Why English is from Mars and French is from Venus: a quick how-to



french is from venusSo, do you dream to have a flawless pronunciation so that you are mistaken for a native and be easily understood by French speakers all over the world?

Want to be self sufficient in the way you pronounce new words so that you can read that sophisticated menu in the French restaurant and make your friends raise their brows in admiration.?

Wish you can ditch conversation anxiety and feel confident finding your words with native French speakers so that they answer you back in French and not trying to switch to English?

There are 4 steps to fluency and the first one is pronunciation. Want to know what to do and why I think that French is from Venus?

Then read on.



There are four steps to master so that you reach fluency in French:
1. Pronunciation
2. Phrase construction
3. Vocabulary
4. Verbs

Pronunciation is the first, and it can take only 2 hours to master.

Then, the phrase construction is what you should focus on for the entire time you are learning French.

Even when you start enriching your vocabulary and the collection of verbs, you still have to stay focused on the phrase construction.


Now, why is English from Mars and French from Venus?


English words are exact. They are self sufficient. They provide the context and cannot be often used in more than one context.

English pronunciation is based on memorizing one word at a time. You need to hear it before you know how to say it.

English words are very specialized. You can’t play with them from a context to another – that’s why English humor is dry, because it’s stating the obvious. Most of the time.

That’s why English is the language of business.


French words are fluid. They can be used in different contexts and they slightly change their meaning.

French pronunciation is based on a few rules of pronunciation that, once learned, apply to all the words in the language – whether you know them or you don’t, you’ll be able to pronounce them.

French words have a core meaning and they adapt to the context. You can say with a straight face a sentence that can be (depending on the context) either very neat and vanilla or – used in other context – an abrasive offense.

That’s why French is the language of diplomacy

Because its fluidity allows the dance of saying a lot of words without saying anything at all.


Knowing that about the difference between these two languages, you’ll then know, when you learn your French words, that you shouldn’t try to memorize one word at a time. It can take 10 times less time and effort to know the pronunciation rules and apply them to the words you know and to all the words that you don’t know yet.

Watch the video above to find out what should be your approach when you learn the French pronunciation.


Tell us in the comments below, what is YOUR technique that works for the French pronunciation that you can share with us?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: Élodie Goustiakov Photographie

Why English is from Mars and French is from Venus: a quick how-to

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