How to get rid of your conversation nervousness in 3 easy steps



nervousnessSo, have you ever been in a meeting, audition, or given a presentation and gone completely blind?

Do you suffer from Short Term Blindness Syndrome (STBS, as my coach, Josh Pais, calls it)?

I know I sometimes do. I don’t mean actually blind, but nervous enough that, after a nerve-wracking presentation or meeting, I realized that I didn’t see the people in the room, didn’t even see the room… I was blind.

Read the article to find out how nervousness can be good news for your French conversation, and watch the video for some French you’ll never forget.

(This week: the verb OUBLIER – to forget)



Do you feel that you know some French language theory, some verbs and you have some vocabulary, but every time that you try to put them together your mind goes blank, your hands are sweating, you feel awefully stupid and you wish that a big hole opened in the ground and ended your pain?

The solution:
treat Nervousness as your best friend.

Nervousness is just vibration of atoms in your body, sensations that we all have from the dawn of time. We only judge, dramatize and give them importance, in other words, we attach a story to them. Let them be what they really are – energy – and not only will they fuel your creativity and confidence, but they will shift within 10 seconds into another emotion.

So here are the 3 steps you have to take:
1. Don’t get rid of your nervousness (…are you still reading?)
2. Breathe and see what is going on in front of your eyes
3. Trust that everything that you learned is there when you need it

What do I mean by “trust”?

When you have a strong learning method, when you put in the hours of practice, the information you gave to your brain is there.

What is a strong learning method?

Let me ask you this: how do you think that Sir Anthony Hopkins learns his lines for his smashing movies? He repeats them 240 times, then he trusts that they are in his memory and, when on stage or in front of the camera, he only listens.

You see him emote, he is not “thinking” about his lines, yet they come so naturally, as he would make them up on the fly.

Practice makes perfect, and if you are my student, you know how much I use repetition, so that it becomes easy for you, so that it becomes a habit, and you don’t have to “think”.

So this is the key of my learning system, this is why my programs rely on repetition and intuitive structure, so that you only have to relax and ride (and enjoy) the wave.

Then, when you are faced with live conversation, a meeting or a presentation in French, you just listen and be appropriate to what you are required to say in that moment.

Scroll back up for a video that you can practice with, using this simple, yet unbeatable, learning method.


Post a comment below, and tell us: have you ever experienced something like that, and what did you do? I want to hear your story! What are Your 3 steps to get rid of your nervousness?

What is the ONE technique that you would like to share with everyone else?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: A.G. photographe,

How to get rid of your conversation nervousness in 3 easy steps
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