This is my opinion on being in a French immersion

This is my opinion on being in a French immersion

French immersionSo, Billy asked me yesterday on Quora, what is my opinion on being in a French immersion.

Have you tried one? Thinking to go on one and not sure yet?

Read the article to find out my opinion on being in our French immersion, and listen to the podcast below to experience a virtual French immersion!


Photo credit: Flickr




I know many people who were turned off by a French immersion done too soon.

There are two reasons for this:

1. The level of the language is too low, so everything around feels too difficult, disempowering, you feel ignorant and don’t want to make a fool of yourself, and feel that your time and money was wasted.

2. The immersion was done in group, and typically a group program (any group program) aims for an average level, but especially in languages our levels are variable, even within an official A2, B1 and so on level.

For these reasons, I created my French immersion retreat in Paris which is only done 1:1.

This way, we address both those issues:

1. I can adjust the level of the immersion to your level
2. We guarantee your progress from your starting level to whatever is possible during the week


Did you find something you resonate with? I’d love to hear from you!

Bonne chance ! : )


Got a minute?

Let’s practice together with today’s episode from the Daily Minute with J’Ouellette® podcast:


CLICK HERE for more articles on this topic »


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French and BREAK your language barrier!


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.




…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

À la prochaine,




Photo credit: Tatyana Markovtsev, A.G. photographe