B-School with Marie Forleo and Parisian French on Skype

B-School with Marie Forleo

How are B-School with Marie Forleo and Parisian French for Entrepreneurs going to push your business to the next level?

B-School with Marie Forleo

Do you get overwhelmed because you have so many ideas to grow your business?

Ever wonder what you should be doing first, second, third or so on?

Me too.

That’s good news though because my friend Marie Forleo just put up some free video training and the first thing she tackles is this very problem.

If you don’t know Marie, you should.

She’s been interviewed by Oprah as a thought-leader for the next generation and she’s built an incredible virtual company that allows her to travel, make a big impact and give back to causes she believes in.

In fact, she’s been interviewed by Tony Robbins (the only woman he interviewed as one of the world’s online marketing experts!), gone on holiday with Richard Branson and she’s helped thousands of women create profitable businesses they love.

Marie is the real deal and, she’s a really good teacher.

In this video, Marie will show you what it really takes to start and grow your business online.

We all know there’s a lot of confusing information out there, but this video breaks it down into simple, do-able steps that you can use right now to get out of overwhelm and get on the right track.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

1. Why creative people, in particular, are wired to succeed in the digital era (men, don’t think this lets you off the hook – make this work for you too!)

2. The shocking changes that’ll take place online in the next few years (if you have an online presence, you need to know this!)

3. Marie’s step-by-step 6 Pillar roadmap to online success with a PDF Fun Sheet included

4. Marie is sharing this video 100% FREE, so go now and check it out!

Curious about B-School with Marie Forleo? Here’s my honest review

Have you heard about B-School? It’s one of the best online business training programs I’ve seen and the window for enrollment is closing soon.

I am a proud B-School graduate and can honestly say that it was the best business decision I made back in 2012. Today I’m going to share with you what B-School is, why I love it, and who I think it’s best suited for (and not for).

If you’re curious about B-School, keep reading. Here is my 100% honest review.

What is B-School, anyway?

B-School is an online business school created by the multi-passionate entrepreneur Marie Forleo. It’s an 8-week online program to teach women and men how to create, structure, and grow their online business.

B-School covers what Marie has defined as the 6 Pillars of online business success.

1. Planning Your Profitable Online Business
2. Websites That Sell and Don’t Suck
3. Your Killer Communication Plan
4. List Building Mania
5. Carting Products and Services That Sell Themselves
6. Marketing Strategies That Pay You for Life

Marie has methodically mapped out exactly what you need to do to create a profitable, purpose-centered, online business. Marie teaches timeless and authentic business and marketing techniques that will help you grow your business in a way that feels good and true to you.

If you’re interested in more program specifics, you can find more details about the program right here.

To hear my thoughts on B-School, keep reading.

My honest review

As I said earlier, B-School was the best business decision I made in 2012. Since then I have made an impact on tens of thousands of people, while still remaining true to myself, my values, and my purpose. I didn’t have to “sell out” to find greater success. I simply learned some business and marketing skills to make my business work.

Program content

The program content is top-notch. Every concept is clearly explained. I never felt like anything was left out or missing.

Marie also hosts weekly live office hour calls, where she answers every single question that anyone has. Her undying patience, openness, and availability was impressive.

The community

Once I joined B-School, I also joined the B-School online community. The people in this group are like no other I’ve been a part of. They are loving, kind, giving, generous, non-competitive, supportive, thoughtful, caring, sharing, wise, and… I could keep going. I have never ever been a part of a group of entrepreneurs who are all ambitious yet simultaneously loving and non-competitive.

I can bring business ideas, personal struggles, and intimate vulnerabilities to this group and feel supported no matter what. The same is true for anyone in the group. This community alone was worth the B-School investment.

Who I think B-School is for

I believe that B-School is perfect for anyone who knows what they want to do for their business but hasn’t had much success with the business aspect of it (like making money!) or are ready to take their business success to the next level. If you’re clear or even mostly clear on what you want to do in your business, you are primed to take advantage of what Marie teaches in this program.

If you’re ready to put yourself out on the internet to make money doing what you love, and if you believe in yourself — even just a tiny bit — B-School will rock your world.

Who I think B-School is not for

If you are swimming in fear and have doubts about being in business, I suggest you wait until things settle down for you. From what I’ve seen, business owners who try to learn about business and marketing before they’re feeling confident that they can make their business work simply flounder and feel worse about their situation. I don’t want anyone to put unnecessary pressure on themselves when it comes to making their purpose-driven business work.

How to best take advantage of B-School

I believe that one of the biggest reasons B-School was a smash hit for me was that I set aside time each week to learn the material and implement the concepts Marie taught.

Each week I set aside two hours to take in the program material. I made learning a priority, put the time in my calendar, and made it non-negotiable. Additionally, I set aside another two to four hours each week to take action on what I learned. This meant that if I learned about websites on Monday, I was implementing what I learned on Wednesday or Thursday.

Not everything will be immediately implementable. Some concepts will take time to digest and think about. Also, if you don’t have that many hours each week, you can certainly learn the concepts and implement them more slowly over time. There’s no pressure to put the pedal to the metal like I did.

What about if I want to grow my business locally, not online?

Whether your business is locally-focused on online-focused, you can benefit from B-School. These days even local businesses need an online presence and can benefit from learning more about marketing and list-building. The concepts taught in this program are applicable either way. B-School will teach you how to create a strong online presences and promoting yourself over the internet.

Why am I promoting someone else’s program?

If you’ve been hanging around here for awhile, you’ll have noticed that I have never promoted another person’s paid program. Why would I start now?

I’m promoting Marie’s program for several reasons.

First, this program had such a HUGE impact on my business in the past years that it would be like I was keeping my dirty success secret all to myself if I didn’t share it with you. That’s just wouldn’t be fair!

Second, most of my clients (probably even you) are entrepreneurs, or have that entrepreneurial approach to their work. If you are a jet-setting professional, you’ll definitely relate and benefit. If you are a business owner, it will push you to your next level.

I am not an affiliate, but as your French language coach, I know that every challenge you have in your life impacts your capability and bandwidth to focus on learning French. I’m sharing with you the best educational resource I know of for entrepreneurs, and I hope you’ll take advantage of it.

Are you ready?

If you’re ready to take a leap in your business and make money online or offline, Marie Forleo’s B-School is one of the best programs out there.

Is now your time? I can’t wait to see you join us!

If you have more questions about the program, email me and I will reply to you personally.