FRENCH PROVERBS – EPISODE 3: HUMAN BODY WISDOM So, do you know how to listen to your body? It’s a very wise piece of advice! The idea that your body knows best what it needs is something that some
French proverbs – Episode 3: Human body wisdom

FRENCH PROVERBS – EPISODE 3: HUMAN BODY WISDOM So, do you know how to listen to your body? It’s a very wise piece of advice! The idea that your body knows best what it needs is something that some
FRENCH PROVERBS – EPISODE 2: ANIMAL WISDOM So do you enjoy looking at adorable animals? Who doesn’t, no? Maybe this is why we enjoy watching kitten and puppy videos on Youtube so much! They’re just a complete joy and
FRENCH PROVERBS – EPISODE 1: NATURE’S WISDOM So, do you like proverbs? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe tells us that: “I will not be as those who spend the day in complaining of headache, and the night in drinking the
THIS IS WHY YOU CAN’T DATE THE FRENCH So, do you remember dating? It may be an obvious question, but you’d be surprised to find that the French don’t even have a word for it! How are they to
IS THIS WHY YOU’RE LEARNING FRENCH? THIS IS MY STORY So, have you ever wondered what will you do once you speak French? Why are you learning French? Many of us dream, but few of us actually allow ourselves
6. ARE YOU FRENCH-MANNERS READY? QUICK FRENCH GALLANTRY HOW-TO So do you know how to dance? You know, it is the man that leads the lady! Do you know how this came to be? The answer may surprise you,
5. ARE YOU FRENCH-MANNERS READY? (BACK TO THE FORK) So have you ever had a friend whose table manners were so bad that you wonder how they got to be your friend? Hihi, just kidding, I’m sure that doesn’t
4. ARE YOU FRENCH-MANNERS READY? (PAY A VISIT… DE BON TON) So when was the last time you had to pay someone a visit? You know that the French have some specific rules of etiquette that you should know