THIS IS JANUARY 6, AS SEEN BY A HISTORIAN So, have you ever tried to write a story in French? Even more so, about a modern coup? 🙂 Are you mortified when you have to speak or write in
This is January 6, as seen by a historian

THIS IS JANUARY 6, AS SEEN BY A HISTORIAN So, have you ever tried to write a story in French? Even more so, about a modern coup? 🙂 Are you mortified when you have to speak or write in
HOW TO USE EN AND DANS LIKE A BRILLIANT FRANCOPHONE So, have you ever felt confused about these two little words, DANS and EN? It can be quite frustrating, no? Today, I was just asked in my Conversation Club:
THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO THE MOST EXCLUSIVE PARTY IN PARIS So, did you ever dress up in white and had an elegant dinner with your friends on Pont des Arts or on the Esplanade de Notre-Dame? It sounds
MOULIN ROUGE TURNS GREEN FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS SAINT PATRICK’S DAY So, did you go to see a show at Moulin Rouge? It’s quite spectacular, and a staple of the French culture – certainly a big attraction for
THIS IS HOW QUICKLY YOU CAN REACH FLUENCY IN FRENCH So, are you planning to use French in your business? Do you need to know how much time and resources you need to budget to make it happen? You’re
WHY IS PARISIAN FRENCH SO IMPORTANT? Have you ever wondered: “Is there a big difference between Parisian French and Canadian French? Or Belgian, or Swiss French? Or are they quite similar?” The difference in pronunciation between Quebec French and
A FRENCH CHRISTMAS AND HOW TO REACH YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION So is your New Year’s resolution to speak Parisian French fluently? Confidently? To get by? Let me help you figure this out, during these few days that lead
A SURE WAY TO SING ALONG WITH THE FASCINATING NEW PIAF So, I turn my head to see who’s singing. The evening is young, a little chilly, not too late to take a stroll on the quai de la