J’Ouellette® BILINGUAL Extensif: from Amateur to Ace
(Parisian French Confident Conversation Course – using the innovative J’Ouellette® Method)

Do you want to stroll the streets of Paris at sunset, or to enjoy a café au lait at the corner bistro, while confidently chatting in French with those around you?
Dreaming of connecting with the French, understanding the conversations around you, and being amazed at yourself and what you’ve accomplished?
Do you feel, deep down in your soul, that you are meant to be part French?
I had the same desire when I learned my second language, English. I did feel like an outsider when I moved to America. My sophistication was lost for a while, until I had my own language coach and focused on mastering my English.
I’m now learning Spanish, Italian and German (all three at the same time), so I can relate very much to your desires. At the same time, I know what you’re going through, as I’m also a language learner, just like you.
which gives you everything you need to become masterful at speaking French, to connect with the people that you love.

1. You are an over-achiever and you’re ready to be admired for speaking more than one language.
2. You have a trip to France looming and are afraid you may say the wrong thing, or not be understood.
3. Learning a second language is something you have never endeavored before, and you think that it’s not your strength compared to your abilities in mathematics, engineering, athletics, etc.
1. You believe that you’ll find the motivation and commitment from the course, instead of your vision of who you’ll become when you’ll speak French fluently.
2. You are not yet ready to try and make mistakes, and it’s hard for you to follow instructions.
3. You speak French at an advanced level (if you want to improve your French even more, please contact me for details on the advanced courses I offer).
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
I’m a Parisian French language coach, and founder of the J’Ouellette® French Method: an organic method using techniques employed by the world’s finest linguists, that guarantee your accelerated progress.
Committed Impulse, Sense Memory, Ear Gymnastics, and Deep Practice are maybe new names for you, but they are pretty much FAST, INTUITIVE and ORGANIC learning techniques of behavior (languages, dialects, and skills) that you will NOT forget.
I travel between Toronto, New York and Paris, while teaching French via Skype in more than 15 countries. I spend a large portion of my time in Paris, where I also organize a 1-on-1 Immersion Retreat, designed in such a way to stay shoulder to shoulder with you and be by your side every step of the way.
J’Ouellette® BILINGUAL Extensif (Parisian French Comprehensive Course) is a live online training designed to guide you, step-by-step, to speak with flawless grammar and impeccable pronunciation.
With me, you will use the innovative J’Ouellette® Method, based on the Total Immersion Experience 2.0, the French Connection Performance System and powered by the Art of Confident Conversations Methodology.
This will help you to boost your confidence, turn you into a Francophone, improve the function of your brain, as well as turn your current job opportunities and income potential around.
In this French Comprehensive Course, we will have conversations in an immersive environment that adjusts to your level and pace.
The BILINGUAL Extensif program can be completed at an intensive pace, which will spark your momentum so you hit the ground running in just under 5 months.
We will work around your schedule so that you can go through the videos that support your learning. This program can be done at the pace that work, travel and your other life priorities allow.
Our Skype sessions can be booked with a 24-hour notice, and they never expire.
So, no matter what surprises life throws at you, BILINGUAL Extensif can be done, and you’ll be an advanced conversationalist in French!
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
(Watch the video for a demo 1:1 session!)
Perfect your conversation, reading and writing, including all the intricate grammatical elements you need.
It concretely means that I will guide you through every single module, via Skype, Zoom or phone.
This Parisian French Comprehensive Course will give you the skills needed to reach a high intermediate to advanced level of conversation, as well as to learn on your own, with potentially no further investments in classes.
We will go together through the following 6 steps:
1. Develop the perfect French pronunciation, so that you never make a pronunciation or spelling error again, using “The Pronunciation Cure” Course.
2. Master reading, writing, and the French vocabulary, so that you can easily order your meal at your favorite French restaurant, without hesitation.
3. Build a solid foundation of the grammar, verb conjugation and their usage, so that you can have extended conversations with your French friends or clients, no matter the topic.
4. Perfect your listening skills through Ear Gymnastics, and put it all together, to finally enjoy French movies without subtitles, understand songs and hear easily what the French are saying.
5. Immersive practice of phrase construction in conversation, so that you don’t end up speaking “English with French words”, and easily navigate through French idioms.
6. Virtual Immersion in the French culture, to easily pick a topic in conversation in French, enjoy museums, books and movies and understand the cultural references.
We will speak French for as long as it proves productive. Some people can take 100% French conversation, others need a gradual immersion.

because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
Develop the perfect French pronunciation, so that you never make a pronunciation or spelling error again.
It took me 2 years – 730 days – 2 hours/day I practiced using a CD in my car, to be able to hear my own mistakes in my English pronunciation and correct them on my own. We all go through this in order to learn another language, and it’s important to know how to approach it properly.
It will take you between 2 days and a few weeks to be able to hear your own mistakes in French. And we start with this course to set you up for no frustrations.
– that you can’t find anywhere else.
Here is what we’ll do differently:
I’ll guide you to reinforce these rules during the program until you no longer need any help, to become second nature. Hell! First nature 😉 You’ll know how to pronounce French words that you’ve never heard before – or even don’t know what they mean.
Have confident French conversations with impeccable pronunciation: you’ll never make a pronunciation or spelling mistake again!
Before I found Llyane and her French coaching methods, I had attempted to learn the French language several times through various means such as high school courses, college courses, adult education classes, classes taught through French associations, and self-learning apps. Each time I became more and more discouraged, and I began to believe that I would never be able to not only learn but speak the French language.
There had to be something out there that would work for me.
Out of desperation and frustration late one night, I found Llyane’s website. I decided to give it one last try and filled out the contact form. I am extremely grateful that I did. Llyane is an amazing teacher, mentor, and coach who puts you at ease from the very beginning.
I especially like her Pronunciation Cure course which has helped me become more confident speaking French because I know the rules of pronunciation. I also appreciate her patience, gentle prodding, and encouragement every time we meet.
Llyane’s method is completely different than what I had been used to, and it works!
Initially, she took the time to really know my strengths and weaknesses, to figure out how I learn best, and most of all, to understand my goals. Because of this, she has modified her method to take advantage of my learning style. For instance, I am very analytical and like to understand the mechanics of grammar. Llyane breaks the French language down so that I understand it.
I have progressed farther than I have before, even with years of learning, and it’s because of Llyane and her method.
I also really enjoy the group conversation sessions. While meeting with Llyane once a week for a lesson is wonderful and where I am able to ask all of my in-depth questions, the group lessons build upon what I have learned and the progress that I am making. They encourage active listening since everyone speaks differently and inspires impromptu conversation with those at a similar level which aids in reaching for vocabulary and sentence structure. As a shy, introverted person, this safe place to make mistakes is truly wonderful.
Because of Llyane and her method, I am more confident in speaking French, and I am extremely happy with the progress that I have made and continue to make. I wish that I had found her earlier.
If you are hesitant, I’d urge you to give it a chance. I may just change your life!
Michelle Reiher – University Professor
United States
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
The “Bilingual Express” pre-recorded video trainings, allow you to create a solid foundation of vocabulary and grammar.
You will get lifetime access to all the lessons of the Parisian French Comprehensive Course, each module can be completed in a week or less.
They cover:
1. Lesson reading with correct pronunciation
2. Verb conjugation that you’ll master in conversation
3. Comprehension (+ idioms)
4. Exercises and exercises solution
5. Dictée and dictée solution
6. Ear gymnastics practice
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn

(a value of $1,799 for 3 days)
This is how you’ll reach your goal during the J’Ouellette Éclair virtual immersion in 8 steps:
1: Learn the BasicsHow to pick up the essentials of French in a couple of hours Simple techniques for memorizing words and phrases The best starter resource for French
2: Rapid Vocab ExpansionHow to expand your vocabulary by thousands of words for free (no memorizing) A new way of thinking that makes communicating easy
3: Your First Real ConversationHow to drop your shyness and just start talking Tips for beating conversation anxiety
4: “What Do I Say?”Make your first conversation go smoothly How to keep the conversation going when you run out of vocab Simple scripts to keep the words flowing
5: “I Don’t Know the Right Grammar!”How to let yourself make mistakes without tripping up over them What people in other cultures have that you need (and how to get it) The best way to learn grammar
6: What To Do When You Don’t UnderstandThe“pickout” technique to make sense of almost anything How to spot cues that give away what’s being said Why the real world is different from a language exam
7: “What If I Forget The Word I Need?”The 4-year old’s speaking hack (no fear or over-analyzing) How to avoid umms and ahhs
8: No English!How to avoid the temptation to fall back on your native language What to do if people speak English to you A simple secret for improving your accent 200%
We used to go to Paris in the months of April and September, and our immersion retreat 1:1 is a huge success.
Until we can go again, we will include this experience online, and have a ton of fun together during this 100% customized program.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn

1. “The Luxury French Experience”
Savour and taste France in all its timeless beauty through an experience tailored just for you:
– FREE access to J’Ouellette Avancé (The Ivy League)
– Special pricing for the French immersion retreat in Paris 1:1
– Call recordings of 1:1 sessions
– Mailed-in picnic basket from France (Including Champagne!)
– L’Occitane stylish and timeless limited-edition gift for Her or Him
A value of $7999.
2. Lifetime access to the program
and all the future improvements and additions inside of the membership area.
Become a part of the J’Ouellette community for life!
Stop searching for resources or for a place to ask questions. You’ll get your answers from your coach, who knows your specific challenges.
And did I mention that your Skype classes NEVER expire?
Value: Priceless
3. Unlimited 1:1 support
that can be via eMail during our Parisian French Comprehensive Course, and through the exclusive VIP Facebook Group “J’Ouellette Société”. This group is dedicated to Alumni and to those who are still learning French with the J’Ouellette® method. Here, you can practice “after class” with other people who are at the same stage like yourself. You can also find guidance and support from me after you finish the Parisian French Comprehensive Course: you’ll NEVER be on your own again!
Value: Priceless
+ VIP Bonuses
1. From Newbie to Oh, là-là ! digital program – master the 8 techniques that sets apart the J’Ouellette® Method for French pronunciation and conversation. (a value of $399)
2. J’Ouellette® ”Bilingual Express” Audiobook – the pocket version of the signature program J’Ouellette® Extensif. (a value of $399)
Our Parisian French Comprehensive Course has the power to profoundly change the way you learn French, and consequently your life. That’s not hype — that’s based on results from past students who practiced consistently.
We’re confident that if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value. We back that up with our risk-free guarantee. Here’s how it works:
Test drive the first four Modules of J’Ouellette® BILINGUAL Extensif. If by 12pm ET on the first Monday of the 5th week after your registration you don’t feel we’ve delivered the value — just email our support team, show us your completed coursework and we’ll issue you a full refund. The reason we ask for your completed coursework is simple.
We only want to work with people who are fully committed to taking consistent action. We devote tremendous time, energy and care to our students, so it’s vital that you’re as dedicated to this experience as we are to you.
If you don’t plan to start the Parisian French Comprehensive Course right away, we’d still love to have you, but contact me to make sure this is the right investment for you, because refund eligibility does have a firm deadline. This framework ensures that only active, committed people are in J’Ouellette® BILINGUAL Extensif, which helps us avoid wasting your time and ours.
PLUS, we offer an unheard-of no-expiry date on your program and 1-on-1 sessions!
You have lifetime access to this Parisian French Comprehensive Course, so if you are 100% in, you’ll get 100% out of it.
Guaranteed! 🙂
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
A short selection of the students who enrolled in the program, who are sharing what happened for them:
“I only wish that I would have found her sooner!”
“When I met Llyane, learning a second language was something I have never endeavored before, and I thought that it is not my strength compared to my abilities in mathematics, engineering, athletics, etc.
With Llyane, I have learned that my mistakes are not to be loathed but are instead to be embraced as opportunities to learn and to grow. I only wish that I would have found her sooner!”
~ Troy Teague, CTO and Board Director, at Cavaloz Energy
United States
“my French skills have dramatically improved”
“By working on a one on one basis with Llyane, she has been able to point out misconceptions about pronunciation and grammar that I have had since beginning to learn the language.
What I like best is that Llyane is ways available to ask questions. Being able to speak my native language when necessary has helped immensely to understand grammar constructs that I did not understand previously. It has also helped me in pronunciation
Having weekly lessons with Llyane has helped to keep me on track to learn French. Even when I have an extremely busy week and don’t have much time to practice I always have our hour together each week.”
~ Aaron Conran – Software Architect
United States
“I’m well on my way to becoming fluent in French”
“I took advantage of the J’Ouellette program with an eye on generally expanding my work horizons. What I got was a whole new way of looking at the world. I’m well on my way to becoming fluent in French but, in addition, I’ve learned not to underestimate myself.
Llyane has a way of unlocking one’s potential that transcends simply learning another language . Her vast array of experience in a variety of industries translates (excuse the pun) into an exercise in re-examining one’s goals and ambitions. Her generosity of spirit allows one to tackle things which may have seemed intimidating in a safe, non-judgemental environment.”
~ Will Scott – Public speaker
South Africa
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
“I knew almost no French when I began with her – I am now moving to France”
“Although I am not yet completely fluent, I am confident in my abilities to communicate effectively.
Llyane paid very close attention to my specific needs and gradually geared her style of teaching towards them, becoming a perfect match for me! I was constantly being challenged and being kept on the edge of my abilities, never bored and never overwhelmed. The people in my life cannot believe how much I have learned in such a short period of time! I love learning French now and cannot wait to utilize what I have learned!”
~ Laura Licata – Self employed
“I am a lot more confident – all thanks to you”
“I thank you for all the good you have done me. It may not seem like it but I am a lot more confident than I was 3 months ago. All thanks to you.”
~ Josh Schaffer, pilot
United States
“I have learned to relax, have fun”
“She is also a mentor, cheerleader and someone who understands her clients and really, really wants them to learn. She “pushes” me to do better… for myself. No guilt trips, no games and no harsh retributions when I backslide on occasion. I feel I have to “unlearn” all of my previous lessons/attempts at learning French because Llyane’s method is quite different. I have learned… (slowly) to relax, have “fun” and approach this learning not as a typical “class” but, as something goal oriented… for me.
Her approach is different and her ultimate goal for you, the student, is for you to achieve whatever level that you seek. You won’t be disappointed!”
~ Jeffery Howard – Self employed
United States
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
“she’s a master in her field”
“She is a master in her field. If you are looking for a great coach you have just found her. Believe me there is no better instructor to learn the French language.”
~ Alexander Aton – Self employed
United States
“we now conduct the lessons in French, something I would not have believed three months ago”
“I find the lessons fun, friendly and stress free, but most of all very informative. Llyane is flexible with the times of the lessons and organizes them to suit my needs. I find Llyane highly engaging and a great teacher.”
~ Ian Mccaffrey – Owner at Crosby Plasterers
United Kingdom
“The class ends with me feeling good”
“I find her teaching style to be very, very good and extremely helpful. The way she teaches is what makes learning French for me, enjoyable and fun!
I had taken French lessons 2 years ago with another teacher, but that teacher’s approach was not fun and she made it extremely difficult for me to retain what I had learned in the class. With Llyane, I am able to retain much of what I have been taught in each class, with some minimal repetition. The class ends with me feeling good about what I learned and motivating me to move to the next lesson each week.
Her programs are first class.”
~ Mike Southwood – National Account Manager at Quinco and Co. Inc.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
“if you are a professional with other time obligations…”
“Llyane is an effective teacher if you want to learn to speak, think, and write French. She has an excellent correcting ear and reinforces you positively. Her accelerated program is very effective. The program builds comprehension and confidence.
Llyane is extremely flexible with your schedule if you are a professional with other time obligations. At the same time she does not compromise her product which is YOUR SUCCESS.
The program is a fine value for what you get.”
~ Michael Craig – Business owner
United States
“working with Llyane has been a sure thing”
Llyane has been great to work with, and you will get as much progress out of it as you’re willing to put in. Effort doesn’t guarantee results in every part of life, but I’d say that working with Llyane has been a sure thing.
It’s crazy to think that I have only been working with Llyane for about a year. My only regret is that I didn’t start with her sooner.
Jerry Mangona – Financial Advisor, self employed
United States
“I’m fluently conversing with native French speakers in Paris”
“I’m consistently receiving extremely high marks in my French classes at school, and achieving a perfect score (800) on the SAT French Subject Test.
I would not have been able to achieve any of these results without Llyane. Her expertise and work-ethic are incredible; her teaching methods are effective, fun, and approachable.
Most importantly, she’s far more than just a tutor, she’s a brilliant language coach, a mentor, and a friend. If you want to learn French efficiently and develop a love of the language and culture, I cannot recommend Llyane highly enough.”
~ Dasha Met, student at Harvard University, US
from Canada
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
1. Before starting: I will send you a set of resources that you’ll use during the program, to prep you for the ride.
2. We will decide together the day and time that works best for our private classes. Don’t worry, it can be changed anytime, with a 24-hour notice.
3. I will send you an official receipt and an email with the link and password to the Member’s Area, and instructions of how to get the best out of the Parisian French Comprehensive Course.
4. After we finish the Parisian French Comprehensive Course, my commitment to you doesn’t diminish. You can always contact me for questions and feedback inside of the Members’ Area, as well as the J’Ouellette Conversation Facebook group, which provides you with a supportive community of people you can practice with for as long as you need.
I can only have up to 5 students on J’Ouellette® BILINGUAL Extensif at any given time. Register now to avoid the waiting list!
…and don’t forget to check my Booking and Cancellation Policy.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
1. Do I need to know French before I start this program?
You can start this Parisian French Comprehensive Course from zero or anywhere in the beginner-intermediate level.
I customize the program for you so that your progress will be steady and that you reach the level of conversation you set your goal for.
Typically, someone who starts from zero will reach a high intermediate to advanced level of conversation. Someone starting at the intermediate level will reach the advanced level of conversation.
For the person starting at the intermediate level, I include lessons from the advanced levels. This way, the basis of the language is covered and mastered, and the level of conversation is proportional to the time investment in practice.
2. What level of proficiency is the course?
While we start by addressing basic topics of grammar, we welcome everybody who struggles with conversation. You will learn techniques to help you use what you know in conversation, regardless of your level.
If you start as a beginner, this Parisian French Comprehensive Course will lead you to an intermediate to advanced level of conversation.
If you start as an intermediate, you will reach an advanced level of conversation.
Everything you need is in this program, and I customize it based on your specific background, challenges and goals.
3. How long is the course?
It is designed to be finished in 21 weeks, provided that you work on one module / week.
However, many people work on the program whenever they have time, so they finish the program in a longer time frame, to accommodate other priorities.
The Parisian French Comprehensive Course can be finished between 3 months and 1 year or more.
4. How much does it cost?
The equivalent of your Starbucks breakfast ($13.59 / day) for 21 weeks.
Here, I included the nowhere-else-to-find Pronunciation Master Course.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
5. Is this program only for people who need French for work or who move to France?
In my experience, 95% of the people I’ve worked with took this Parisian French Comprehensive Course because they love French and had the lifetime goal of speaking the language.
Most people I’ve worked with took this program as a hobby, to challenge themselves and grow. They give themselves the tools they need to communicate with Francophones around the world, travel for pleasure or business, tackling a world they never had access to before.
Most people I work with are very high achievers, and they want to reach quickly the next levels personally and professionally.
Yes, I can prepare you for exams, job interviews, etc. If this is your situation, please give yourself enough time to assimilate the language so that after your exam/interview you are left with a second spoken language. Don’t focus only on passing the exam or getting the job.
There is more to an exam/interview than just the expected questions, and you’ll end up being confident, which is a much bigger and rewarding goal.
6. How much time will it take me to get through the program?
Invest more time if you want to reach fluency quicker, less time if you have other priorities in your life.
I had clients who dedicated 1 hr/day 7 days/week and finished it in 3 months, and I also had clients who worked on the program as they found time in their busy schedule and finished it in 1 year or more.
Each module contains short 15-minute video-lessons.
These videos can be worked on between 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the starting level of your French.
If you’d like to finish the Parisian French Comprehensive Course in 5 months, then you’d work on one module a week, between 1.5 and 5 hours. If, however, you would like to work a little steadier, less intense, you can work on the modules in as much time as you have, and you can book the Skype classes as you feel ready.
You will finish the program in more time this way, while fitting French into your schedule and your other priorities.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
7. Will I be fluent when this program finishes?
It depends how you define “fluency”.
You will become confident, at a high Intermediate to Advanced level, and you can reach fluency at every level you master on your way.
Everyone learns in a different manner, but with the lifetime access to the program, you will be able to continue this adventure on your own. You shouldn’t need any other classes thereafter, as you should be self sufficient to progress to the next level on your own.
What you would need, however, in order to become fluent, would be a full immersion in the French culture and language, and it takes a while to get there. I can help with that too, because I have a yearly Immersion Retreat in Paris and advanced programs that will give you the boost and courage to continue on your own.
8. How is your course different from other methods of learning?
You’re not only going to work with a French teacher, but with a French language coach. Someone who’s been using a second language for a living (English) for over 20 years, and is learning 3 more languages (Italian, Spanish and German). I know exactly what you are going through, and tested my learning techniques on myself first, before sharing them with you.
With me, you’ll use the J’Ouellette® Method based on Ear Gymnastics , Sense Memory , Committed Impulse and Deep Practice, so you’ll become a natural at this romance language.
Committed Impulse, Sense Memory, and Deep Practice are maybe new names for you, but they are pretty much FAST, INTUITIVE and ORGANIC types of learning of behavior (languages, dialects, and skills) that you will NOT forget.
You will learn how to “deep practice”, the same way that highly skilled professionals and performers do, which is simply a guided slowing down. Find out how to use this “little” secret and you can learn to speak French at any age and despite the busiest schedule.
J’Ouellette® Method is a unique approach to language learning: learning French as a performing art. It is a method that also has neuroscientific research behind it, using physical and mental exercises, which will transform your learning technique.
Your only job will be to learn to speak Parisian French. My job is to learn YOU, the way you think, your learning habits, and help you use what works and drop what keeps you behind.
I’ll teach you how to NOT need me. But if you do, you have lifetime access to the learning materials and to me, for questions and guidance.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
9. Can I access everything all at once?
Yes and no.
Let me explain.
I recommend going through the course in order, because each lesson builds on the others. When you have all the material available it’s easy to get curious, and I’m here to take care of you, and give you just the amount that is feasible, comfortable and with the right level of challenge to make it fun.
Therefore, after finishing a module, I’m sending you the next one, giving you instructions about what to focus on, how to change your approach and how to best get all the benefits from it.
However, if you pay in full, and you are more comfortable having access to the entire program, or if you travel, and want to manage the Parisian French Comprehensive Course while you are away, I’m happy to grant it for you.
10. How is “Parisian” French different from other kinds of French?
Parisian French is what we call standard French: everybody in the World will understand you, and you have the advantage of knowing how to pronounce the French words using the rules of pronunciation and NOT learning one word at a time, which is frustrating and time consuming.
If you want to sound Québecois, Belgian or Swiss, you can put on an accent and learn their specific idioms, once you master the basics.
11. How much would I be able to speak after doing this program with you?
You will have a solid foundation for conversation, will be able to easily manage ordering food in a French restaurant, making travel arrangements in French, asking for directions in Paris, making small talk in a café.
If you put in more effort, you should be able to have conversations with the French in Paris without any help.
12. Why should I do this now?
Happiness is in the journey, not in the destination. It’s what happens when we pursue any meaningful goals and make significant progress toward your goal to be bilingual.
Everything is at stake by not pursuing the transformation you want right now. You have the chance to hit the refresh button. That’s why getting this course now is so important.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
13. What if I don’t have time for this?
Can I be frank? You have to figure out what’s important.
Unfortunately too many of us sacrifice the “important” on the altar of the “urgent” and we never get to those things that really matter. If you want to make the kind of progress you’re after, you have to reverse that.
Also, there is no ‘behind’ in this course: you can download the lessons and practice at your own pace, plus, you will be a lifetime member of the community, so you can catch up when you become available again.
As a VIP J’Ouellette® Member, you can also have lifetime access to your Skype classes, so you can take them whenever you come back from the break required by your job or life.
Remember this: if it’s important enough for you, you’ll make the TIME. If not, you’ll make an EXCUSE.
14. Do you have a refund policy?
First of all, please don’t sign up if you are planning to get a refund. I offer you a 30-day money back guarantee to give you full confidence and peace of mind, but I am certainly interested in spending the time coaching students who are 100% committed.
This said, I invite you to fully participate in the J’Ouellette® BILINGUAL Extensif program for 30 days, and if you don’t feel you made an improvement in your French speaking skills, I would be happy to refund your money.
TRÈS IMPORTANT: If you register for the program and ask for a refund, I will request all of your completed homework (dictée, exercices). Also, you must participate regularly to the 1-on-1 classes, without any change of schedule (at least 1 Skype class/week). Refunds are processed in your fifth week with me – no exceptions. This is a very hands-on program! No homework done or sessions skipped – no refund.
Why? Because I know that, if you actually DO the work and follow my method, you’ll get des résultats exceptionnels. And if you complete the work and still do not get value, I’ll gladly refund your money, because, franchement, once you build the right habits, you should feel like you’re receiving a huge value.
I do this because I am committed to helping you become a French speaker who gets des résultats formidables.
15. If I don’t use it, I’ll lose it: how can I practice it on a regular basis?
Would you love to speak French properly but you need people at the same stage to practice with “after class”?
Have you learnt French for years in school, but you fear that when you can‘t use it you will lose it?
In the EXCLUSIVE Facebook group dedicated to the students and alumni of the J’Ouellette® BILINGUAL Extensif, you’ll find conversation partners of all levels. It’ll be easy to have someone at your level with whom you can practice at your convenience.
Also, I’m active in the group on a regular basis, so you can ask for my support in the form of questions, exercises and resources.
You’ll never be on your own again!
16. I don’t think I’d be able to do it or be good at it
If that’s your concern, please read the testimonial given by Troy: “Learning a second language was something I have never endeavored before, and I thought that it is not my strength compared to my abilities in mathematics, engineering, athletics, etc. “
He had the belief that speaking French is a skill he cannot master. Yet, after starting French from zero with me, he reached an advanced level of conversation in French in 12 months.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
17. If I could just find a program that would be conducive to my learning style…
As a French language coach, my main job is to adjust the program to your learning style.
While you learn French, I learn YOU, the things that are easier to learn for you, the ones that are more difficult, and I filter them all through the lens of your background and goals.
I study your patterns, identify your triggers and give you the tools that help you manage the obstacles and make them easier and easier to conquer. I observe what type of mistakes you keep making over and over again, and what path is not yet available to you, and we tackle new, more effective learning techniques.
That means that you will no longer have the feeling that you start learning the same thing, making the same mistakes, so that the new levels of the language will become accessible to you.
18. What are the French group immersion sessions and what level should I be to attend?
These sessions are held with a maximum 6 Francophiles at all levels.
Think of them as the dress rehearsal of a real-life conversation: the group will take you out of the books, you’ll learn to talk to someone else, not just me, and you’ll learn the little-known skill of managing the conversation to serve your own level.
Most of the times, these groups are created by level, grouping beginners, intermediate and advanced speakers, but doesn’t mix people, the way life does.
With us, you’ll have at least one advanced person (yours truly), and other levels – lower and higher than yours. The most important skill you’l acquire is to manage the conversation with someone that has a higher level than yours, as well as be able to adjust to the conversation with someone who’s at a lower level than you are.
Just like on the quai de la Seine. 😉
The sessions never expire, so you can come when you’re ready to have a fun conversation over coffee, where we pretend to be in a different Parisian coffee shop every time we meet.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
Outstanding Customer Service
Do you need help accessing the Members Area or your modules? I am oh-so-happy to be available by email whenever you need me. Write at customersupport@j-ouellette.com
Global Members Community
The J’Ouellette® community is growing and I have ways to access people around the globe who train with me. Can’t think of a better way to practice and boost your confidence. The private Facebook group dedicated only to J’Ouellette® students and alumni. It’s a fantastic place where you can find people at the same stage, you can practice with them “after class” or connect with and chat in French during and after the program.
You will have access to the Members’ Area, where I regularly share free resources for you.
Ask me a question, give me your challenge and I’ll take care of it right there and then. Even after you finish the program with me, you will receive video responses and articles in this section of the site, so you won’t ever need to search for them elsewhere.
100% Risk Free Guarantee
We only need to see all your coursework completed and a full participation to the Skype classes, to process the refund.
Remember that we are a team, and you have to put in your 100% commitment , as I have to put in mine. While you learn French, I learn YOU, your ways, your habits, your learning patterns.
I adapt and adjust the program to your ways, your needs, your goals and your pace. No two people learn the same way with me, so together we will find the perfect method that fits you, like a glove.
Wonder why? Because Practice makes Perfect. Always!
Lifetime Access
Traveling around or getting a new puppy? Don’t worry. You can’t “miss out” or “fall behind” because you get lifetime access to your modules as well as all the updates that I make, and you can learn at your own convenience. Remember, the training materials will be there whenever you need them.
Also, after you finish your programs with me, you will have access to me through the private FB group, and I will create answers to your questions in the form of videos or articles, which you will find there.
Lifetime access means that I commit to support your learning and practice without limitation in time after you graduate.
The Skype sessions also don’t expire (please ask at the time of your registration).
Grab & Go Training
Tired of sitting through hour-long video training programs? I bet! That’s why every training video is between 15-20 minutes. I want you to learn, practice and put together a conversation as quickly as possible.
No overwhelm or boredom.
You can download the files and practice on your phone or in the car, then I will guide your pronunciation, and understanding of grammar and phrase construction when we meet on Skype or on the phone.
Yes, you can also have the conversation sessions by phone, and I have a free phone conference number and access code for you if you prefer it this way.
Build your Credits for Free Classes
When you refer me to your friends, and they become my students, I will gift you with up to 4 FREE classes! Use them in your ongoing learning program, as an assessment session, or just to get a taste of the way I do things.
Become part of a larger educational cause in the World
When you register for the program, a portion of the money you spend goes to building schools around the World through “Pencils of Promise”.
We are doing more than helping you master a language you couldn’t learn through in-class and self-study programs. We are about the big picture of education in modern society. We want to partner with you in helping children have a greater hope in their life, where no hope comes with the territory.
Digital Products (audio files and transcripts)
I do not offer refunds for digital products, as they can be easily copied. Please watch the Demo videos, before you decide to purchase.
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
I am learning French because I like the French culture and I think learning the language enhances my enjoyment of it. When I decided to start studying French, I wanted to work with someone directly for my own accountability. I also thought that I would make better progress. Llyane’s program offered 1:1 coaching and focused on speaking which was different from other programs I considered.
When I started learning, I was very nervous and scared to make mistakes. I had no experience with French at all. Llyane coached me through the fear of being in a live group session, the resistance to trying and making mistakes, and the frustration of learning new pronunciation and ways of speaking.
Llyane not only knows French, but also knows about the learning process, about how the brain works when learning a new language, and the challenges that it can bring. I think that is important for a successful language coach.
Today, I am relaxed in the live group sessions and am comfortable making mistakes. This is a big accomplishment for me. I’ve learned to be kind to myself during this process. I actually enjoy learning French now.
In 2022 I went to Paris and I was so excited to be able to read the signs and the menus and understand a little bit of those fast-speaking native speakers. I was even more excited to be able to speak. I was still nervous, yet I learned how to work through those feelings. The French appreciate you trying to speak the language. I learned from Llyane that they see it as a sign of respect.
I felt so accomplished when I bought stamps at the post office and asked a cashier for a pen. Of course, there is still a lot to learn and practice. However, the most important thing is that I’m not afraid to try anymore. I now have the confidence to speak the French that I know. And, I have more confidence in my life because I’ve seen myself work through my insecurities and make progress.
If you’re considering learning French with Llyane, I encourage you to give it a try — a real try. Learning a new language takes time and can feel frustrating, and that’s ok. We’ve all been there, and sometimes still are. Be kind to yourself and remember the reasons why you want to learn. On the other side of the fear and frustration is a lot of fun and new expansive experiences.
I’m so proud of myself for sticking with this and very thankful to Llyane who continues to coach me through it all.
Debbie Novitsky
because DIY-ing your French conversation builds bad habits that take years to unlearn
…how you’d feel to finally find your LAST French language coach, resource and guide, and never make errors in conversation again!
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(Customized 2-hour cooking class with Katrina Billard)
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One payment of $1999
One payment of $1999
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(Special Edition)
(Customized 2-hour cooking class with Katrina Billard)
Click here for a 6-payment plan**
One payment of $4999
One payment of $4999
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(Private Exclusive)
(Customized 3-hour cooking class with Katrina Billard)
Click here for a 12-payment plan**
One payment of $9699
One payment of $9699
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» By registering to any of our programs, you agree to our Terms and Conditions
* The private and group sessions do not expire, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
** This is NOT a pay-as-you-go subscription, it is a program that can also be paid in installments.
Register NOW so you stop reinforcing the habits you develop when you DIY your French. Not fixed in a timely manner, they can take years to unlearn.
I believe in you, maybe more than you believe in yourself. Let’s fix that!
Contact me for a 30-minute Confident Conversation Call to show you how to speak French confidently from day one, regardless of your knowledge level, using the innovative J’ouellette® Method.
Photo credit: MJV-Reflets de Paris