This is Step #1 in becoming masterful in the French conversation



step 1 masterful french conversationSo, have you ever tried to have a great conversation with yourself?

While it may be fun, because nobody will disagree, it may not be the best of pass-times, no?

Conversation can’t be improved on our own.

Read the article below, to find out what is the first step you need to take if you want to become masterful in the French conversation, and watch the video for some French that will open doors.

(This week: verb OUVRIR – to open)




Reading, listening or even speaking out loud can’t replace the emotional rollercoaster that is triggered by a real conversation.

You could be able to learn how to open a conversation, but how to continue it is a completely different story.

What can you do to arrive, to fluently make French conversation, to make it happen?

Find a language coach – someone who is able to work with your time, with your lifestyle, and with your specific challenges.

But how to find a good coach, and why a coach – and not a tutor or a teacher?

Tutors are best for specific problem solving, preparing you for an exam, for a job interview, etc. They are focused on details, not so much on learning techniques or long term strategies – reason why they don’t mind if you hire them for a short period of time.

Teachers will prefer to work on their terms, using their programs, in their sequence, they are not too open to change their approach, their system. They will lecture, you will take notes, courses are limited in time. You are done – you move on.

A language coach is going to learn your ways and adjust their method and programs to fit your lifestyle, and learning style. They will have you work, so the time spent together will benefit you immediately and fully. The relationship with a coach can last a lifetime.

First, when you shouldn’t hire a language coach:

DON’T HIRE A COACH to help you enrich your vocabulary, to teach you grammar or verb conjugation. For these, you can buy 3 books that can help you with everything you need to know, and with $50 you’re good to go.

Now, that we cleared that out, let’s see what are the things to keep in mind when choosing a language coach:

You should be able to access the coach anytime by email

– ask them questions as they come up
– send them feedback about changes in your lifestyle
– send them feedback about topics that are either too hard or too easy
– ask for their feedback

Make sure they change their program and method for YOU

– this should be done either at your request or based on their observation of you

Assess their method, don’t buy promises, and ask for a trial session and make sure you obtain immediate results during that session

– during a free session, you should be able to assess their method, and you should find immediate results after that session
– they will also assess to see if you are a good fit for their program, and how committed you are to obtaining results

Read their testimonials

– they should have enough testimonials to make you comfortable about their experience
– find someone who wrote a testimonial on their site that you relate to, that you can identify with – this means that that coach already worked with someone like you, so their method is most likely going to work for you too

Make sure they address your weaknesses

– even if it’s uncomfortable, that is why you hire a coach: to learn something new, to improve something you’re challenged by
– they should listen to you to see what exactly are your challenges and work on them 100%

Don’t play to your strengths

– although it could be fun, don’t make the mistake to ask your coach to do more of what you already know
– let your coach combine the exercises that are easy with those that are hard – otherwise, your experience can become overwhelming, and you won’t be able to keep the momentum for too long

I invite you to read the testimonials I have, and find someone you can relate to, before you contact me to talk about working together.

If not now, then when? 🙂


Tell us in the comments below, what is your favorite French conversation exercise, that you could share with everyone else?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




photo credit: A.G. Photographe

This is Step #1 in becoming masterful in the French conversation
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