Learn to Speak French Confidently from Day One with this innovative Method
How to use the Performing Arts Effect® to speak confidently, even if you are a beginner
I grew up speaking French and have taught it for most of my life. Initially, I helped my classmates with grammar and spelling in school, and later, I expanded to teaching others. My fascination with linguistics eventually led me to turn this passion into my full-time business in 2011.
What I uniquely offer is my background in acting, which allows you to benefit from performing arts techniques that effectively enhance your conversational skills. Coupled with my education at Harvard, I bring cutting-edge, innovative coaching methods to elevate your language learning experience, even if you are a beginner.
What about you?
Do you want to go to Paris? Maybe for a week, for a year or for a lifetime? If that’s the case, then welcome to my world: I travel a lot, and I even moved to Canada - the extreme version of a language immersion, so we’re practically related.
Let me first say that, if you don't master French yet - which is probably why you’re paying me a visit - I went through the same thing. Only my journey was in the opposite direction: I had to master English.
So I know exactly what you’re going through, and I conquered English in writing (amongst others, I'm a blogger for The Huffington Post) and as a speaker (I even performed on stage and film).
But even if the languages are different, we had one thing in common:
conversation anxiety.
When landing at the Montreal airport, I was welcomed by an customs officer, a lovely lady who I had to report to. I was elated! I would finally speak my language in the country I chose to be my new home.
Pulling my large luggage (I'm 5'1" and 100 lbs - most luggage is "large" for me) with an energy I didn't know I had after the transatlantic flight, I sat down in the customs office on a chair that looked too new and too clean, compared to the antique look that most objects have in offices in Europe.
I opened my purse and handed my official papers to the officer (trying to hide my blisters from the luggage), I sat and waited for the questions.
Little did I know that the next minutes will bring me the most unexpected surprise of my short journey. The lady officer was speaking to me in a French… that I couldn't understand.
Say what...?
My mind was dizzy from the trip and from the shock. Québec French was definitely not agreeing with me.
After the first few seconds, realizing that I don't have much choice but to try to communicate - otherwise I was visualizing myself being sent back home - I put together a strategy that proved to be brilliant. I don't know how, but it worked.
Not only did it work for me then, but I used it in my first job at "The shopping channel" with great success, and my students use it all the time in order to make conversation possible when they don't understand what's been said to them.
I'd like to mention that the lady officer had a very thick Québequois accent, and I was not acquainted to it, because TV5 International - which I had been watching in Europe - uses show hosts who speak standard (Parisian) French.
So my technique was simple:
I started to look for the words I did understand. Then I asked a question about that word. The officer had to answer my question, this way she slowed down, and I understood what she was saying easier.
Every time she'd speak faster than I could understand, I'd ask for clarification on a word I did understand. And so on. We parted as friends… but to me, that experience was terrifying.
Did you notice the trick?
Pronunciation is more important than we think it is, in real life.
Fast forward 10 years. Because in Canada everybody speaks with their own accent, I hired a language coach to learn Standard American. Yes, this is an actual thing: an accent where California English meets British English. Sarah has a wonderful Great Dane - Nigel, and we connected immediately. I was so happy to finally have someone to help me fix my accent, and we started. There was me, my books, my tapes, Sarah and Nigel.
We started to work together and very quickly I realized that - even though I considered myself fluent in English - this pronunciation thing was going to be bigger than my ego. After a few minutes, I had to admit that I couldn't hear my own mistakes. Sarah was saying "no" and "yes" to my pronunciation, and I had no idea why, because to me the words sounded the same.
We worked for a couple of months. Each word in English has a pronunciation that I had to learn, because there are very few rules. So, we covered some words before she moved to Vancouver. Now I was in trouble. I had to figure out something on my own. So I did. I got a CD from Berlitz, and I started to practice daily for about an hour, the words that I heard there. And I practiced until I could hear my own mistakes. It took me about 2 years, without the help of a coach, to be able to hear them, and correct myself during conversation.
Later I learned the big secret nobody had told me
The ear grows receptacles for sound much like the body grows fat cells. My experience with English and Québec French motivated me to find or create techniques that make this process organic, fast and fun.
One of the things that make my programs different is that, as a professional actor, I master certain techniques that help you learn French faster and effortlessly, like Ear Gymnastics, Deep Practice, Sense Memory, and Committed Impulse.
There’s nothing more boring than painful mechanical memorization of words and rules. Instead, you can have conversations from the beginning, and incorporate the new words or grammar directly in conversation.
This way, you can be "fluent" at every level you reach, confidently using what you know at a lower or higher level of sophistication. Make stories with green monsters or flies who eat blueberries with me, and you'll forget that you're learning French, and the language will become what it's supposed to be: a tool you use to express yourself.
That's why I love helping jet-setting business professionals become confident in French, and create a world where there’s no language barrier, where you can create beautiful memories, and are inspired to pursue your dream, no matter the circumstances, while finding the fun in challenging situations as you immerse in the French language.

WHY do I do what I do?
If you read my story above, you know that I've been in your shoes. In my case was with English - in your case is with French.
My mission is to help you to NEVER go through the heart-wrenching challenges I went through. Or, if you already did, it needs to stop at our first 'Hello!'.
Discover your potential when language is not a roadblock. Have conversations no matter what level you are at, and speak French at an advanced level to never need me (or any other tutor/teacher/coach) ever again, as you immerse yourself in the French language!
Welcome to the enchanting world of the French language!
My name is Llyane Stanfield, and I am here to show you how easy it is to become confident in French conversation, when you know how to tweak a little your habits in the right direction.
Want to know how this applies to you?
Do you ever wonder how did Meryl Streep learn to speak German fluently, as well as learning a Polish accent for "Sophie's choice", or that perfect British accent, for her role in "The Iron Lady" in just a few months? Do you want to know how you can have people think you are a native French speaker? Then read on…
J'Ouellette® Method is the #1 French Learning Method to use in order to become confident, get the new job, land the new client, travel the World - The World class method that prepares you to master a skill for life and immerse yourself in the French language.
With J'Ouellette Method you will: Boost your confidence in speaking a second language
Improve the health and development of your brain while you learn French
Get the potential to double your income as a bilingual expert
Why Parisian (standard) French? Because you’ll make yourself well understood all over the world, and you'll read, write and speak faster than you thought possible. Once you master it, you can, on demand, put on any accent you want.
Because I teach you learning techniques that apply to languages and beyond, I am striving to be the LAST French language coach you will ever need.
CLICK HERE to tell me about your specific challenges and I'll send you my custom tailored strategy.

Purpose-Driven company
supporting climate action

"The dawn chorus of birds singing, monkeys howling, frogs calling and insects buzzing. The crystal clear waterfalls that are perfect for a refreshing afternoon swim. Fireflies that illuminate trees at night."
This is something I'm very passionate about.
WWF is working to address the threats to forests: we must conserve the world’s forests to sustain nature’s diversity, benefit our climate and support human well-being.
“We must rewild the World!
Let’s move from being apart from Nature to becoming a part of Nature once again.
This is not about saving our planet, it’s about saving ourselves.
With or without us, the natural world will rebuild.
However great our mistakes, Nature has overcame them.
The living world will endure. We, humans, cannot presume the same.
To continue, we require more than intelligence.
We require wisdom.”
David Attenborough
We're honored to direct a portion of our proceeds to support the WWF team in saving the wildlife and the forests. One beautiful tree at a time.
When you register to our programs, you're supporting them too! Merci du fond du coeur. : )

Expérience professionelle
J'Ouellette® Method: Présidente de l'entreprise et instructrice privée pour les étudiants de tout âge et niveau (débutant, intermédiaire, avancé, les entreprises) depuis 2002.
J'ai aussi travaillé avec Forvo.com, Listen & Learn, Language Trainers et TutorOcean.
Dans le passé, j'ai travaillé avec: ESH Centre des Langues, Club Z Tutoring Services, Explanations Unlimited Educational Institute comme entraîneur de langue française pour étudiants de tout âge et niveau, ainsi qu'avec l'École élémentaire catholique Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Petit Bâteau et Mildenhall Montessori comme éducatrice pour enfants entre 2 et 8 ans (j'adore les enfants!!!).

• Maîtrise de l'Université
• Certificat des arts du spéctacle (New School University - NYC, Collège Senecca - Toronto)
• Certificat d'enseignement supérieur (Higher Education Teaching Certificate) chez l'Université de Harvard

As a French conversation coach, I empower you to achieve confidence and fluidity in your conversations through the J’Ouellette Method®. This approach, enriched by my acting background, emphasizes mastering pronunciation and engaging with native speakers in immersive settings, ensuring you can effectively use French in real-world scenarios.
My main goal is to transform you into a confident and proficient speaker. Using the Performing Arts Approach®, I create an interactive environment that promotes continuous practice, making real-life interactions seamless.
The J’Ouellette Method® enhances your engagement through three pillars:
I understand that fear of making mistakes can be a barrier. I create a supportive environment where errors are seen as growth opportunities. For instance, one student, Troy Teague, transformed from a novice to confidently conversing with natives in just 12 months.
As I continue my commitment to ongoing research and professional development, I remain committed to refining my methods based on your feedback, ensuring effective and relevant teaching. Ultimately, my goal is to help you become a confident, engaged global citizen through the J’Ouellette Method®.
You're welcome to read my Portfolio here.

Design of the innovative French Conversation Learning Environment:
Through this program, I've gained deep insights into innovative learning strategies, future trends, and how to apply these to enhance our French conversation coaching sessions.
This means that as a client, you'll receive a cutting-edge, personalized learning experience tailored to your needs.
By integrating physical, cognitive, social, cultural, and emotional elements, our program creates an immersive environment that not only strengthens your language skills but also fosters cultural connections and personal growth.
You'll also be part of a supportive community that inspires and motivates you throughout your journey.
In training to earn the Micro-Bachelors in Neuroscience for Language Learning from Harvard University.

And now, since you read thus far,
here are 10 of my quirks:
1. I'm a learning nerd (I have a Masters Degree, 2 College Diplomas, and countless Certifications; fluent in 3 languages (yes, I grew up speaking French), I'm actively learning every day Spanish, Italian and German - and yes, I'm learning 3 languages at a time - so I know a thing or two about learning;
2. I have an apricot poodle, named Loxi (she's a girl!);
3. I practice yoga every day because I want to do that hand-stand thing;
4. I know almost all the lines from "Friends" by heart (told ya: nerd!);
5. I like to invent new words and expressions when I talk and write;
6. I like to rock climb on natural trails, but the artificial ones don't make any sense to me;
7. I live in Toronto in the summer because I love humid hot weather;
8. I love dancing in high heels - yes, even on classic rock - and I'm usually the last person standing at parties;
9. I've had 3 very different careers in my life: structural engineer, internet programmer and actress/producer for theatre and film; throughout it all, I've always taught and coached French;
10. I love to travel, and the top 3 most exotic destinations on my wish list are Australia, Tokyo, and Dubai - but my two favorite cities in the world are New York City and Paris (they constantly compete for the first place).
BONUS: See what is the story behind the name J'Ouellette.
Always in your corner,
French Language Coach, Pronunciation and Conversation Expert
(Holding the Higher Education Teaching Certificate at Harvard University)
Founder and Creator of J'Ouellette® Method
Contact me here to send me a note.I'd love to know what makes you tick! :)

Llyane is a Parisian French language coach, and founder of the J’Ouellette® French Method - an organic method using performing arts techniques and neuroscience elements. She travels between Toronto, New York and Paris, while teaching French via Skype in more than 15 countries. She is a French language coach for business professionals who struggle with learning French on their own and with conversation anxiety, and she helps them to instead speak Parisian French confidently in their travels and in business. She has produced an unprecedented Extensive Program and French Pronunciation Cure Course, as well as other visual and teaching materials. She worked with 300+ clients 1-on-1 for over 20 years. Now holding the Higher Education Teaching Certificate from Harvard University, she spends a large portion of her time in Paris, where she also organizes a unique annual Immersion Retreat 1:1. Her groundbreaking methods produce a quantum leap in conversational confidence, and a short session with her is the perfect start to brush up your French (whatever your level!) in preparation for your next trip to Paris.
I grew up speaking French and have taught it for most of my life. Initially, I helped my classmates with grammar and spelling in school, and later, I expanded to teaching others. My fascination with linguistics eventually led me to turn this passion into my full-time business in 2011.
What I uniquely offer is my background in acting, which allows you to benefit from performing arts techniques that effectively enhance your conversational skills. Coupled with my education at Harvard, I bring cutting-edge, innovative coaching methods to elevate your language learning experience, even if you are a beginner.
What about you?

Let me first say that, if you don't master French yet - which is probably why you’re paying me a visit - I went through the same thing. Only my journey was in the opposite direction: I had to master English.
So I know exactly what you’re going through, and I conquered English in writing (amongst others, I'm a blogger for The Huffington Post) and as a speaker (I even performed on stage and film).
But even if the languages are different, we had one thing in common:
conversation anxiety.
When landing at the Montreal airport, I was welcomed by an customs officer, a lovely lady who I had to report to. I was elated! I would finally speak my language in the country I chose to be my new home.
Pulling my large luggage (I'm 5'1" and 100 lbs - most luggage is "large" for me) with an energy I didn't know I had after the transatlantic flight, I sat down in the customs office on a chair that looked too new and too clean, compared to the antique look that most objects have in offices in Europe.
I opened my purse and handed my official papers to the officer (trying to hide my blisters from the luggage), I sat and waited for the questions.
Little did I know that the next minutes will bring me the most unexpected surprise of my short journey. The lady officer was speaking to me in a French… that I couldn't understand.
Say what...?
My mind was dizzy from the trip and from the shock. Québec French was definitely not agreeing with me.
After the first few seconds, realizing that I don't have much choice but to try to communicate - otherwise I was visualizing myself being sent back home - I put together a strategy that proved to be brilliant. I don't know how, but it worked.
Not only did it work for me then, but I used it in my first job at "The shopping channel" with great success, and my students use it all the time in order to make conversation possible when they don't understand what's been said to them.
I'd like to mention that the lady officer had a very thick Québequois accent, and I was not acquainted to it, because TV5 International - which I had been watching in Europe - uses show hosts who speak standard (Parisian) French.

So my technique was simple:
I started to look for the words I did understand. Then I asked a question about that word. The officer had to answer my question, this way she slowed down, and I understood what she was saying easier.
Every time she'd speak faster than I could understand, I'd ask for clarification on a word I did understand. And so on. We parted as friends… but to me, that experience was terrifying.
Did you notice the trick?
Pronunciation is more important than we think it is, in real life.
Fast forward 10 years. Because in Canada everybody speaks with their own accent, I hired a language coach to learn Standard American. Yes, this is an actual thing: an accent where California English meets British English. Sarah has a wonderful Great Dane - Nigel, and we connected immediately. I was so happy to finally have someone to help me fix my accent, and we started. There was me, my books, my tapes, Sarah and Nigel.
We started to work together and very quickly I realized that - even though I considered myself fluent in English - this pronunciation thing was going to be bigger than my ego. After a few minutes, I had to admit that I couldn't hear my own mistakes. Sarah was saying "no" and "yes" to my pronunciation, and I had no idea why, because to me the words sounded the same.
We worked for a couple of months. Each word in English has a pronunciation that I had to learn, because there are very few rules. So, we covered some words before she moved to Vancouver. Now I was in trouble. I had to figure out something on my own. So I did. I got a CD from Berlitz, and I started to practice daily for about an hour, the words that I heard there. And I practiced until I could hear my own mistakes. It took me about 2 years, without the help of a coach, to be able to hear them, and correct myself during conversation.

The ear grows receptacles for sound much like the body grows fat cells. My experience with English and Québec French motivated me to find or create techniques that make this process organic, fast and fun.
One of the things that make my programs different is that, as a professional actor, I master certain techniques that help you learn French faster and effortlessly, like Ear Gymnastics, Deep Practice, Sense Memory, and Committed Impulse.
There’s nothing more boring than painful mechanical memorization of words and rules. Instead, you can have conversations from the beginning, and incorporate the new words or grammar directly in conversation.
This way, you can be "fluent" at every level you reach, confidently using what you know at a lower or higher level of sophistication. Make stories with green monsters or flies who eat blueberries with me, and you'll forget that you're learning French, and the language will become what it's supposed to be: a tool you use to express yourself.
That's why I love helping jet-setting business professionals become confident in French, and create a world where there’s no language barrier, where you can create beautiful memories, and are inspired to pursue your dream, no matter the circumstances, while finding the fun in challenging situations as you immerse in the French language.

WHY do I do what I do?
If you read my story above, you know that I've been in your shoes. In my case was with English - in your case is with French.
My mission is to help you to NEVER go through the heart-wrenching challenges I went through. Or, if you already did, it needs to stop at our first 'Hello!'.
Discover your potential when language is not a roadblock. Have conversations no matter what level you are at, and speak French at an advanced level to never need me (or any other tutor/teacher/coach) ever again, as you immerse yourself in the French language!
Welcome to the enchanting world of the French language!

Want to know how this applies to you?
Do you ever wonder how did Meryl Streep learn to speak German fluently, as well as learning a Polish accent for "Sophie's choice", or that perfect British accent, for her role in "The Iron Lady" in just a few months? Do you want to know how you can have people think you are a native French speaker? Then read on…
Michael Schutzler (CEO of Livemocha) told Forbes that “language is a performing art that requires practice, nuance, and personality to convey an idea”.
J'Ouellette® Method is the #1 French Learning Method to use in order to become confident, get the new job, land the new client, travel the World - The World class method that prepares you to master a skill for life and immerse yourself in the French language.
With J'Ouellette Method you will:
Why Parisian (standard) French? Because you’ll make yourself well understood all over the world, and you'll read, write and speak faster than you thought possible. Once you master it, you can, on demand, put on any accent you want.
Because I teach you learning techniques that apply to languages and beyond, I am striving to be the LAST French language coach you will ever need.
CLICK HERE to tell me about your specific challenges and I'll send you my custom tailored strategy.

Purpose-Driven company
supporting climate action

"The dawn chorus of birds singing, monkeys howling, frogs calling and insects buzzing. The crystal clear waterfalls that are perfect for a refreshing afternoon swim. Fireflies that illuminate trees at night."
This is something I'm very passionate about.
WWF is working to address the threats to forests: we must conserve the world’s forests to sustain nature’s diversity, benefit our climate and support human well-being.
“We must rewild the World!
Let’s move from being apart from Nature to becoming a part of Nature once again.
This is not about saving our planet, it’s about saving ourselves.
With or without us, the natural world will rebuild.
However great our mistakes, Nature has overcame them.
The living world will endure. We, humans, cannot presume the same.
To continue, we require more than intelligence.
We require wisdom.”
David Attenborough
We're honored to direct a portion of our proceeds to support the WWF team in saving the wildlife and the forests. One beautiful tree at a time.
When you register to our programs, you're supporting them too! Merci du fond du coeur. : )


J'Ouellette® Method: Présidente de l'entreprise et instructrice privée pour les étudiants de tout âge et niveau (débutant, intermédiaire, avancé, les entreprises) depuis 2002.
J'ai aussi travaillé avec Forvo.com, Listen & Learn, Language Trainers et TutorOcean.
Dans le passé, j'ai travaillé avec: ESH Centre des Langues, Club Z Tutoring Services, Explanations Unlimited Educational Institute comme entraîneur de langue française pour étudiants de tout âge et niveau, ainsi qu'avec l'École élémentaire catholique Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Petit Bâteau et Mildenhall Montessori comme éducatrice pour enfants entre 2 et 8 ans (j'adore les enfants!!!).

• Maîtrise de l'Université
• Certificat des arts du spéctacle (New School University - NYC, Collège Senecca - Toronto)
• Certificat d'enseignement supérieur (Higher Education Teaching Certificate) chez l'Université de Harvard
As a French conversation coach, I empower you to achieve confidence and fluidity in your conversations through the J’Ouellette Method®. This approach, enriched by my acting background, emphasizes mastering pronunciation and engaging with native speakers in immersive settings, ensuring you can effectively use French in real-world scenarios.
My main goal is to transform you into a confident and proficient speaker. Using the Performing Arts Approach®, I create an interactive environment that promotes continuous practice, making real-life interactions seamless.
The J’Ouellette Method® enhances your engagement through three pillars:
- Art of Confident Conversations Methodology®: This builds your confidence with kinesthetic learning techniques, ensuring active participation from day one.
- Total Immersion Experience 2.0®: This includes 1-on-1 guided conversations and partner interactions, offering real-life learning experiences and fostering cultural immersion.
- The Instant Comprehension Approach®: Techniques like The Godfather Effect and Ear Gymnastics make learning enjoyable and help refine your pronunciation.
I understand that fear of making mistakes can be a barrier. I create a supportive environment where errors are seen as growth opportunities. For instance, one student, Troy Teague, transformed from a novice to confidently conversing with natives in just 12 months.
As I continue my commitment to ongoing research and professional development, I remain committed to refining my methods based on your feedback, ensuring effective and relevant teaching. Ultimately, my goal is to help you become a confident, engaged global citizen through the J’Ouellette Method®.
You're welcome to read my Portfolio here.

Design of the innovative French Conversation Learning Environment:
Through this program, I've gained deep insights into innovative learning strategies, future trends, and how to apply these to enhance our French conversation coaching sessions.
This means that as a client, you'll receive a cutting-edge, personalized learning experience tailored to your needs.
By integrating physical, cognitive, social, cultural, and emotional elements, our program creates an immersive environment that not only strengthens your language skills but also fosters cultural connections and personal growth.
You'll also be part of a supportive community that inspires and motivates you throughout your journey.
In training to earn the Micro-Bachelors in Neuroscience for Language Learning from Harvard University.

here are 10 of my quirks:
1. I'm a learning nerd (I have a Masters Degree, 2 College Diplomas, and countless Certifications; fluent in 3 languages (yes, I grew up speaking French), I'm actively learning every day Spanish, Italian and German - and yes, I'm learning 3 languages at a time - so I know a thing or two about learning;
2. I have an apricot poodle, named Loxi (she's a girl!);
3. I practice yoga every day because I want to do that hand-stand thing;
4. I know almost all the lines from "Friends" by heart (told ya: nerd!);
5. I like to invent new words and expressions when I talk and write;
6. I like to rock climb on natural trails, but the artificial ones don't make any sense to me;
7. I live in Toronto in the summer because I love humid hot weather;
8. I love dancing in high heels - yes, even on classic rock - and I'm usually the last person standing at parties;
9. I've had 3 very different careers in my life: structural engineer, internet programmer and actress/producer for theatre and film; throughout it all, I've always taught and coached French;
10. I love to travel, and the top 3 most exotic destinations on my wish list are Australia, Tokyo, and Dubai - but my two favorite cities in the world are New York City and Paris (they constantly compete for the first place).
BONUS: See what is the story behind the name J'Ouellette.
Always in your corner,

French Language Coach, Pronunciation and Conversation Expert
(Holding the Higher Education Teaching Certificate at Harvard University)
Founder and Creator of J'Ouellette® Method
Contact me here to send me a note.I'd love to know what makes you tick! :)


J'Ouellette® was established in 2011.
» By using this website and registering to any of our programs, you agree to our Terms and Conditions