6 SURE-FIRE STRATEGIES ON HOW TO LEARN FRENCH IN 90 DAYS So, how long have you been learning French for? When you answer this question for yourself, you have to be very clear on the level and proficiency you
The 6 secrets of the French adjectives
THE 6 SECRETS OF THE FRENCH ADJECTIVES So, have you ever been challenged by the French adjectives? Not knowing where to put them, what they mean if they have a different position than “normal”, it’s a whole new jungle
How to get rid of your conversation nervousness in 3 easy steps
HOW TO GET RID OF YOUR CONVERSATION NERVOUSNESS IN 3 EASY STEPS So, have you ever been in a meeting, audition, or given a presentation and gone completely blind? Do you suffer from Short Term Blindness Syndrome (STBS, as
How to easily know the French verbs conjugated with ÊTRE
HOW TO EASILY KNOW THE FRENCH VERBS CONJUGATED WITH ÊTRE So, have you ever been confused about the French verbs and how they are conjugated? Sarah today was asking me “When do I use AVOIR and when do I
This is the secret behind the powerful name J’Ouellette
THIS IS WHY MY NEW FRENCH METHOD IS CALLED “J’OUELLETTE” Do you ever wonder why my method is called J’Ouellette® and not Stanfield or something taken from my own name? Want to know who’s the secret mastermind behind the