Do you dream to be fluent in French? Do this!



dreamSo, do you like daydreaming?

How many times has someone had to make you come back down to earth from la-la land?

Well, daydreamers may be the most successful people, it turns out! Don’t believe me?

Check out this article to find out why neuroscience thinks so and watch the video for some French worth coming down to!

(This week: the verb DESCENDRE – to go down)



The Neuroscience of visualization and reaching your goals… finally

So you thought of a great idea…

A rush of happy hormones (endorphins) floods your system…

You are motivated and ready for action (that’s the adrenaline kicking in)…

Until… that one thought of self-doubt creeps in…

That one person that plants a seed of negativity…

You start to compare reality with the actual goal…

And then you…stop dead in your “mental” tracks…

You lose steam and go no further…

This is the point where so many people miss this ONE CRUCIAL STEP to completing their mission…

The problem is not the doubtful thoughts or the seeds of negativity…

The mistake…
NOT spending enough time visualizing your goal…

You see… to reach any goal you must Start with the End in Mind according to personal development guru Stephen Covey.

In neuroscience that means you need to activate your brains’ visualization centers and imagine yourself as if you have already reached the top of the stairs. You must activate your nervous system and feel as if you have succeeded so that your brain will send reward chemicals (dopamine) to actually do what it takes reach your goals.

It’s important to feel as if you have succeeded because your nervous gets activated and sends physiological signals to the brain which you brain interprets as successful feelings.

These visualizations must not happen only once. But at least 4 times a week twice a day for at least 3 weeks (if not longer). They must take place during those moments of complete relaxation (after waking up or upon going to sleep are the best times).

When you visualize yourself as already have climbed the steps to reach you goal, your brain does a funny thing.

It acts as though it has completed the goal. The brain region that is responsible for taking action gets activated. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between visualizing and doing the thing.

This is the secret known by many successful athletes such as Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Serena Williams, and Michael Phelps. Success is 90% mental.

Your brain doesn’t know the difference.

Check out the images of the motor centers of the brain when individuals are visualizing finger and foot movements.

Both regions are activated!!!

Ehrsson H H et al. J Neurophysiol 2003;90:3304-3316
Journal of Neurophysiology

This is the power of your brain. Start with the end in mind so your brain can carve mental maps to your goal. Then when you start to take actual steps towards completing the goal your brain will be more prepared to deal with challenges along the way. This is a crucial design of the brain. It wants to use as little energy as possible. So if you already have the mental path established, the brain will not be so resistant to taking on new challenges, risks, and uncertainty to reach your goal.

Sounds good?

Once you visualize the end in mind you can now break down the overall image of success into smaller successes. As if you are climbing the steps of success. This will reduce the feeling of visualization overwhelm according to psychiatrist and Brain researcher Dr. Srinivasan Pillay. Your brain needs time to absorb the vision and to establish mental maps for each step towards the ultimate goal.

Now go forth you idea warriors and create, build, and dream…climb the mental steps to success. But remember to start at the top first and visualize with the brain in mind.

Leave a comment below and share what dreams and goals you have given up on. How will you re-activate them to reach your full potential?

With goals & gratitude,

Shonté Jovan Taylor
~The Potentialist

This is Shonté Taylor‘s guest blog post shared from


Tell us in the comments below, what dreams and goals you have given up on. If it’s French, how will you re-activate them to reach your full potential? 🙂


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: A.G. photographe, The Huffington Post

Do you dream to be fluent in French? Do this!
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