This is why HiP Paris is your best guide in the grand city



So, are you visiting Paris for the first time?

Been there before and want to explore a new part of town?

Live there and want tips for original things to do this weekend?

Planning an upcoming trip, or simply a Francophile in need of a regular French fix?

Hip Paris will point you in the right direction and introduce you to off-the-beaten-path places, hip and happening people and events, and experiences you might otherwise overlook.

From Paris to New York, San Francisco to Sydney, their readers are a diverse mix, united by their desire to be “in” on what’s happening in Paris.

From food and fashion to architecture and culture — they’ve got you covered.

To them, the best way to experience this city is to dig a little deeper, hunt a little harder and linger a little longer to uncover the secrets that make Paris so utterly irresistible.

Read the article below for my take on their blog and the Parisian lock-down, and meet me this Sunday for a free conversation call on the topic.

Hip Paris

The HiP Paris Team: Lockdown Impressions From Paris & Beyond

Erica Berman, HiP Paris Founder, is a stunningly inspiring lady.

She has numerous initiatives, one more interesting than the other, also the founder of Haven In – that showcases her team’s over 20 years of experience in boutique rentals.

The Hip Paris site and blog are a wealth of information about all you need when you go to Paris (and not only).

Don’t tell me that, after the World settles into the new, post-Covidian era, you won’t long for a romantic walk in les Tuileries.

When you do, get the Food and drink reviews, insider’s tips for travel and boutique vacation rentals from HiP Paris.

Oh, yes, us, boutiques, adore each other 😉

What about the lock-down?

Now, after the lockdown in France was officially lifted, life is not back to normal, just as President Macron warned.

The image created by HiP Paris’ team from during the confinement is very compelling, and we know it will be the reality for a while.

Erica, Ali, Marissa, Jamie, Marisa, Erin and Rooksana give us the behind the scene with the people of HiP Paris – “impressive, intelligent and so honest” says a reader of their blog.

I second that.

You get to know and like them, because they are spectacular people with a heart for Paris.

You get to make friends with them, because only great friends take care of you so.

Your next step

HiP Paris

Read their article about the lock-down and about the end of lock-down (…sort of), then come to the FREE Français Sunday call I offer this Sunday to chat about your impressions from HiP Paris’ article.


Tell us in the comments below, how will you use the services provided by my friends at Hip Paris?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,



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This is why HiP Paris is your best guide in the grand city
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