Is speaking Franglais a bad thing for your French?



FranglaisSo, do you like to speak franglais?

It can be really fun, no?

Read the article to find out why Franglais is a bad thing for you, the Francophile, and listen to the podcast to get a quick taste of a great daily French language practice.


Today on Quora, David asked this question:

“Is the extreme French language protection in Quebec/France a bad thing in terms of profession/business? I’m growing as a French speaker only in a 90% English country. It sounds like people would have problems to find a job in the globalized world.”

This is my answer

English is never missing from the Quebec population’s daily life. Even in the French only schools, students speak English with each other. There’s no way to stop it.

So the protection of the French language is necessary so that the students are limited to French speaking/thinking at least during the classes. (Even during class, students speak English with each other).

Mixing the languages (franglais) doesn’t help anyone to master a language. Many think it’s ‘cute’, but what that does is simply preventing the language learner from mastering the French sentence structure and from thinking in French.

It has nothing to do with vocabulary.

But wait, there’s more to it

Franglais is used by all anglophones who learn French.

It’s “fun” and some people even pride themselves with how well they mix the languages.

It’s even accepted by some teachers.

Here’s the problem:

When allowing ourselves to use English words whenever we don’t remember the French one, the vocabulary is not the only one that takes the hit.

The most affected part is the French sentence structure (and verb conjugation, when using ON all the time).

Using Franglais is like swimming on the sand: not useful.

Here’s the compromise:


If you feel that you HAVE TO use English here and there in conversation with an Anglophone, do yourself a favor: don’t mix the language within the same sentence. That will help you consistently progress with your French sentences and, when you go home, find the words that were too stubborn to come to you during your chat 😉


That is why I organize French immersions 1:1 in Paris, to give you 100% undivided attention and adjust the immersion to your level and guarantee an amazing progress in your conversation skills and confidence. Also, to speak 100% French with you.

The J’Ouellette® Extensif program includes an amazing free 2-day virtual immersion bonus that will help you prepare for the real life conversation.


Did you find something you resonate with? I’d love to hear from you!

Bonne chance ! : )


Got a minute?
Let’s practice together with today’s episode from the Daily Minute with J’Ouellette® podcast:


CLICK HERE for more articles on this topic ».


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French and BREAK your language barrier!


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Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.



Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!


…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: Flickr,

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