So have you ever heard of scary tongue twisters?
I know they usually confuse and maybe frustrate, but can they invoke fear?
Only the best ones can arouse more than just one emotion!
Want to have a flawless pronunciation so that you are mistaken for a native and be easily understood by French speakers all over the world?
Check out the article below for some excellent tongue twisters to practice your pronunciation with, and watch the video for some French you should have no fear of!
(This week: the verb CRAINDRE – to fear)
Today is still under the spell of Halloween, so if you are uneasy around zombies, let’s see how tongue twisters work for you.
I heard that some people are afraid of the tongue twisters.
Some are afraid of starting to learn French in the first place – although their wish to be bilingual is top of their bucket list.
Not many people remember, though, that taking baby steps is the best way to go about anything that seems difficult and big – baby steps but don’t miss a day.
Have fun 🙂
This is the third article with French tongue twisters – I invite you to read the first, second, third and fourth article.
Ta Cathy t’a quitté. C’est ta Cathy qui t’a quitté. T’as qu’à tout quitter.
Ta Katie t’a quitté, ta Katie t’a quitté t’es cocu, qu’attends-tu ? Cuite-toi, t’es cocu. T’as qu’à, t’as qu’à te cuiter, et quitter ton quartier. Ta Katie t’a quitté, ta tactique était toc.
Ta tante t’attend dans ta tente.
Ta tante t’attend. J’ai tant de tantes. Quelle tante m’attend? Ta tante Antoinette t’attend.
Ta tentative a été totalement futile !
Tas de riz, tas de rats. Tas de riz tentant, tas de rats tentés. Tas de riz tentant tenta tas de rats tentés. Tas de rats tentés tâta tas de riz tentant.
T’as ton tacot qu’a la cote, cocotte ! Qu’attend ton tacot qu’a la cote ? Mon tacot qu’a la cote attend dans la côte que l’accostent des cocottes. Et toc !
Tata, ta tarte tatin tenta Tonton ; Tonton tâta ta tarte tatin, Tata.
Tatie, ton thé t’a-t-il ôté ta toux ? disait la tortou au tatou. Mais pas du tout, dit le tatou, je tousse tant que l’on m’entend de Tahiti au Toumbouctou.
Tentas-tu, Tantale, tremper ta langue?
Tes laitues naissent-elles ? Si tes laitues naissent, mes laitues naîtront.
Ton mouton boucle tout à coup et ton bouc tombe à Tombouctou
Ton thé t’a-t-il ôté ta toux ?
And how about this one?
Tonton, ton thé t’a-t-il ôté ta toux?
Toto t’as tort, tu t’uses et tu te tues en t’entêtant ; crois-moi, Toto tu t’entêtes et j’te dis qu’t’as tort.
Tout ce que je te demande, c’est un peu de patience ; d’ailleurs je te parlerais bientôt de ce que je sais.
Trente-trois gros crapauds gris dans 33 gros trous creux.
Trois gros rats gris dans trois gros trous ronds rongent trois gros croûtons ronds.
Trois petites truites non cuites trois petites truites crues
Trois tortues têtus trottent en trottinette.
Trois tortues trottaient sur 3 étroits toits ; trottant sur 3 étroits toits, trottaient 3 tortues trottant.
Trois tortues trottaient sur un trottoir très étroit.
Tu t’entêtes à tout tenter, tu t’uses et tu te tues à tant t’entêter.
Un ananas n’a ni nid ni ninas.
Un ange qui songeait à changer de visage se trouva soudain si changé que jamais plus ange ne songea à se change.
Un ange qui songeait à changer son visage pour donner le change, se vit si changé que, loin de louanger ce changement, il jugea que tous les autres anges jugeraient que jamais ange ainsi changé ne rechangerait jamais et jamais plus ange ne songea à changer.
Tell us in the comments below, what is the most scary virelangue from the list above?
Let me guess.
Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?
Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.
Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!
…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )
Always in your corner,
photo credit:, A.G. Photographe
I’m not sure about the French tongue twisters listed, but I love tongue twisters. I read a Dr. Seuss book to my daughter often called Fox in Sox, which is an entire book of tongue twisters. Is the french version as hard to read out loud?
Yup, they are – trying to say it all out loud is where the rubber hits the road 😉
I was just in Paris this Summer, and I love learning more French from you!
I’m very glad that you’re making this important step, Katy!
Let’s have a conversation about the ways we can work together.
You’re welcome to contact me here:
Always in your corner,
Llyane – your French language coach