This year's strange weather and winter in the summer



coin francophone 300 So, have you ever tried to write a story in French?

Even more so, about strange weather? 🙂

Are you mortified when you have to speak or write in French, thinking “what if I’ll make a fool of myself”?

I must confess, my clients’ grace, courage and hard work amaze me.

Paul writes for us in French, and he is surprising me every time!

As a history professor at University of Colorado and an established writer, the English word is something he excels at, and now he takes on writing in French.

Read the article below about the strange weather in 2020, written by Paul in French, and see how you too can reach incredible levels in this language.

This is simply homework, which Paul turned into inspiration for you to do the same one day 🙂





One of my favorite activities of the week is my French writing exercise.

While I’m still a beginner, I love the challenge of trying out how to express my thoughts in French, and with Llyane’s expert coaching, how to correct and improve the expression both in writing and in speaking.

Recently we had a strange weather week in Colorado, from the hottest day to snow literally overnight, and it made me think of the strangeness that has seemed to be a mode of life for many in this “unusual” year.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to study and improve a little each week and to dip my toe a little into the water, or even take a plunge, in improving my understanding of French.

Merci, Llyane !

Paul H.



strange weather

« Paul, est-ce que tu peux me parler de toutes ces choses bizarres que j’ai lues dans les journaux, et que j’ai vues sur les chaînes d’information/des nouvelles du câble ? » m’a demandé mon amie colombienne sur WhatsApp.

« Bien sûr, » je lui ai écrit, « mais je dois dire que je ne me souviens pas d’une année aussi étrange que celle-ci. »

Je lui ai raconté, pour commencer, qu’il faisait très chaud tout le mois d’août et qu’il y avait des feux de forêt, tellement graves, que le ciel est devenu orange.


Un jour, il faisait presque 40 degrés.

Mais, ensuite, le jour suivant, l’hiver est arrivé, et il neigeait.

strange weather

Ce matin, je me suis réveillé à sept heures, et j’ai vu toute la neige sur les branches des arbres. Pauvres arbres, ils ne sont pas prêts pour ce changement de temps.

Et plus tard, je lui ai décrit la sensation de marcher sur un campus vide. Où les gens se rassemblent normalement et où ils parlent avec leurs amis, j’ai vu des fantômes.

Et dans le supermarché, les clients semblent nerveux, peut-être parce qu’ils portent les masques, mais je pense que je peux voir une incertitude dans leurs yeux.

Et, je n’ai même pas encore mentionné notre politique !


Tell us in the comments below, what are YOUR stories about strange weather in 2020? 🙂


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons, Paul Harvey

This year’s strange weather and winter in the summer
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