This is the truth about overcoming fear of conversation



overcoming fearSo, do you agree that we fear what we don’t understand? Unfamiliar situations – especially when we have to speak in French with the natives?

For many of us, fear is the biggest reason why we don’t try new things, and it can be very limiting.

Overcoming fear has been the greatest challenge, and many strategies have been developed in order for us to achieve just that.

Check out the article below for some amazing tips on overcoming fear when you attempt conversation in French, and watch the video to put your fears to rest!

(This week: the verb CRAINDRE – to fear)





The truth about fear
Guest post by Josh Pais


I am back from the first ever Committed Impulse Retreat in Maya Tulum. It was amazing. The resort was on the beach, everyone had a thatched roof structure to call home, amazing vegetarian dishes and fresh fish. Killer guacamole. I’m back.

Every participant was asked to prepare a 20 minute Hot Seat. In it they were to talk about their greatest creative and business obstacle, and what they wanted to get out of the retreat.

For many, there was a desire to get over fear.

They felt that fear held them back from going for their dreams.

They asked me, “How can I get over fear?”

I assured them of one thing.

“You will never get over fear.”

That wasn’t the answer they were looking for.

Let’s take a moment and look at what most people refer to as fear…

Fear is a body sensation, often felt in the torso. It is a slightly chaotic energy. The atoms are swirling. Plus, there is a conversation in the mind full of self doubt.

Here’s the truth…

We are all designed to feel the sensations of fear. It is built into our DNA. And it will never go away.

And fear does not mean you are unsuccessful, not ready, or unprofessional!

And be assured, every time, YES EVERY TIME you put your ass on the line you will most probably feel that swirling sensation.


What you do have control over is the self doubting thoughts.

Let’s break that down.

When you have a low tolerance for the sensation of swirling energy in your torso, you try to escape from feeling it. It’s what most people do.

The problem is that when you leave the sensations in your body, your attention has to go somewhere else. And, that place is your thoughts.

And whenever we follow our thoughts we end up with an abusive conversation that kills our creativity and prevents us from moving ahead.


The game is to feel that swirling in your torso, party with the sensation, breathe, and stay connected to whatever is in front of you. NO DRAMA ALLOWED.

The result – there will be a 7 -12 second rush of energy in your body and then another sensation and another. No biggie.

You will always have sensation. But the game is to stay with it – otherwise you will go in your head – and that will be bad news.

And if you stay with the sensation and start to increase your tolerance for some vibration, nothing will stop you again.

This is soooo important for you to get.

Our culture is obsessed with getting rid of fear.

Won’t happen.

Remember… Fear is just atoms vibrating around. No biggie.

Feel it, breathe, stay connected with what is in front of you…

The result…


Today, I am reading notes from the Retreat participants about how they are making those calls that they were avoiding. They’re setting up meetings with managers, agents and directors. They have the tools to move ahead.

And so do you!


Tell us in the comments below, what is your number one technique to keep your fears in check?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




photo credit: A.G. Photographe, Corey Frye

This is the truth about overcoming fear of conversation
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