Blog and Resources - Page 21 of 32 - J'Ouellette® Method

The Valentine of Paris – how to celebrate the French way

The Valentine of Paris – how to celebrate the French way

THE VALENTINE OF PARIS – HOW TO CELEBRATE THE FRENCH WAY   We just celebrated my mom’s birthday. Happy birthday, mom! (Again 🙂 ) Although Valentine’s Day is supposed to have a romantic twist, I’m happy that this blog post

These Puzzling French tongue twisters make you popular [U-Z]

These Puzzling French tongue twisters make you popular [U-Z]

THESE PUZZLING FRENCH TONGUE TWISTERS MAKE YOU POPULAR [U-Z]   So, has a tongue twister ever left you baffled? Some of them can be true literary jigsaw puzzles! Only the sharpest of minds have solved some of them. Check out

These Scary French tongue twisters make you the hit of the party [T-U]

These Scary French tongue twisters make you the hit of the party [T-U]

THESE SCARY FRENCH TONGUE TWISTERS MAKE YOU THE HIT OF THE PARTY   So have you ever heard of scary tongue twisters? I know they usually confuse and maybe frustrate, but can they invoke fear? Only the best ones can