Here's how to take advantage of your Covidian downtime



So, is this downtime adding pounds on you or adding skills?

I don’t blame you if ice cream is your daily conversation partner and cookies are your new pet, but I challenge you to go back on that thought and consider the possibilities.

Now, when the Planet almost hit the stop button, maybe you consider to reconsider.


Because I want to remind you that you love to travel.

No, wait: you LOOOOOOOVE to travel.

And even if you don’t have a plan right now, or you don’t see one in sight, humans went through this before and came out with a smile. And so will you.

And when all this is over, you’ll want to jump on an airplane like you never jumped before, and enjoy your time as if it was your last.

Read the article below for the key must-dos during your Covidian downtime, and meet me this Sunday for a free conversation call on the topic of your choice.

downtime paris

Learning French is an invitation to a whole new world.

1. The ​freedom​​ to travel in any Francophone country
2. The ​confidence​​ to start a conversation with anyone
3. One big ​adventure​​ of speaking to people in their own language

Learning a French stimulates your brain. It allows you to experience Francophone cultures ​from the inside​. And it gives you the confidence to start conversations with people you’d otherwise never have meet.

Do you feel that you don’t know how to find the courage to talk to people? Do you get nervous when initiating a conversation?

Are you scared of making mistakes and looking stupid?


You don’t want to look like a fool in front of strangers?

I did, for sure.

We all want to be dedicated, motivated French language learners. We all know that we should be determined and committed. And we all want to impress our friends with our French language smarts.

The reality?

When I moved to Canada, even though I was declared “fluent” in English by my school, I was still terrified of starting a conversation in English. I took a coach for a couple of months. Even then, I didn’t have the confidence to go out and talk to people.

We know we “should” study grammar. We know we “should” set aside a time for language practice every day. Yes, we know we “should” memorize vocabulary.

But does any of that ever happen?

No. Instead, we think we’re stuck with our “limitations”. We believe that language learning is just for gifted geniuses. We tell ourselves that we’re too old, or that we’re unable to travel, or that we’ve got a poor memory.
None of those needs to hold you back.

● French language is about communication.
● It’s about meeting interesting people.
● It’s about discovering new worlds.
● A social thing.

Yet so often, we make language learning about sitting at a desk, reading from a textbook. All the fun and passion are drained away. And language learning should be all about fun and passion.

In other words, I found that if I simply started speaking French with my students, from day one, and immersed ourselves in French, everybody naturally picked it up.

Remember how much you like that?

With my method, you’ll open the doors to the adventure of French language learning.
Here are just some of the things you can do once you know the real secrets to learning French:

​​Travel the World
Embrace Your Passion for Learning
Re-ignite Relationships
Live Your Dreams

Prepare yourself during this Covidian downtime to be able to do all these things when all is over. Because it will be over. Pinky promise!

This is how you’ll reach your goal in 8 steps:

1: Learn the Basics
2: Rapid Vocab Expansion
3: Your First Real Conversation
4: “What Do I Say?”
5: “I Don’t Know the Right Grammar!”
6: What To Do When You Don’t Understand
7: “What If I Forget The Word I Need?”
8: No English!

The solution?

Don’t sit on your ordered in KFC and ice cream with M&Ms.

Start with the FREE Français Sunday calls I offer on Sundays for a limited time – come join us, it’s so much fun.


Why not?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




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Here’s how to take advantage of your Covidian downtime
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