How to easily master the French pronunciation in 4 days



master french pronunciation in 4 days It took me 730 hours – it can take you ONLY 4!
That’s a bold statement, so let me elaborate.

So, I love driving, and the time spent in the car, driving between my French classes could be put to good use.

Don’t take me wrong, I did have a language coach who helped me with my English pronunciation, but she moved to the West Coast, and now I was on my own.

I got a Berlitz CD and played it for 2 hours every day for 2 years. Played it in the car, and practiced it out loud, without any consideration for the other drivers who witnessed the process : )

And, to be clear, every day means exactly that: every single day. When I calculated how much time I spent on my English pronunciation, I was shocked: 730 hours in total.

But that was me, perfecting my pronunciation in English.

Read the article below to find out how YOU will master the French pronunciation in 4 days, and watch the video for some French that will guarantee your success.

(This week: verb RÉUSSIR – to succeed)



Yes, this was me, 10 years after I immigrated (read: full immersion) to Canada.

Let’s first see why is pronunciation so important.

Ummm… because, if we’re not attentive, we may just say something else than you intended. You want to side step that land mine.

But still, why is important to learn the rules of pronunciation in French?

Because, instead of learning the way to pronounce about 30,000 words, for a decent vocabulary, one word at a time, you only have to learn about 70, rules. Makes it a little easier, don’t you think? ; )

Of course, there are the exceptions, but those are the words you’ll learn from any book from the library, because they are the most commonly used words.

So, how will you do in 4 hours what I did in 730?

The reason it took me so long is because I was practicing English pronunciation, which doesn’t have too many rules of pronunciation. Not any, if you ask me.

Why is TEAR (to rip) AND TEAR (the water coming from my eyes when I’m sad or happy) NOT pronounced the same way? The two words are spelled exactly the same way!


Because us, non-anglophones, who try to speak proper English, are going crazy trying to figure out English pronunciation. Because there is no rule, so we have to hear the word pronounced first (hopefully without a foreign accent) and memorize it.

If you are an English native, that’s not a big deal for you. Of course it isn’t, because you did it when you were 2 and everyone was all “Ahhh” and “Ohhh” no matter what you were asking or saying. But we have to do it as adults – when you’d rather have a magic wand and split the ground in two and hide down there, than asking another adult how to say a word. : )

So, see? You actually don’t have to ask someone how to pronounce a word in French, if you know the rules of pronunciation. You can go to the restaurant with that fabulous date or client and order a sophisticated meal, perfectly pronouncing words that you’ve never seen before, or don’t even know what they mean. Ahhhhh!

Problem is that not many people know about these rules, and they learn French pronunciation as if it was English, based on what they hear from others.


When we learn a new language, our ear is not trained to the sounds specific to that language and we don’t hear the pronunciation correctly. Even if we think we do, without a qualified trainer, odds are you’ll create your own pronunciation, slightly off.

OR you can do what I did: practice for 730 hours until you get to train your ear to hear your own mistakes. Great! But even then, you’ll know the pronunciation for a limited number of words, the ones you practiced with.

With the pronunciation rules, you learn them and then keep applying to words you didn’t even learn yet or you even don’t need to know what they mean. Remember the example I gave with the restaurant menu? That’s because the French chefs are an infinite source of sophisticated words that you don’t even need to understand!).

So… 730 hours with a limited vocabulary or 4 hours with an unlimited vocabulary… I think it’s a no-brainer.

This is what you will learn in the “The Pronunciation Cure” course – included in the J’Ouellette® Extensif program – which can be done in 4 days, one hour/day – and you’ll never make a pronunciation or spelling error again.

You may not be ready to apply all of it tomorrow, but at least you’ll be aware of your mistakes and correct yourself during conversation. 😉

Have a taste of it by downloading the 3 pronunciation secrets HERE that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Write for me in the comments below, what is your strategy to nail the French pronunciation?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: A.G. photographe, descartes.marco

How to easily master the French pronunciation in 4 days

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