Do you think that your pronunciation is terrible because you have no one to correct you?
Do you love French and feel that you've tried almost everything to learn it in the past, but you're still not thinking in French?
Would you love to become fluent, to understand the culture inside out, but you didn't take action because life happened?
Welcome to the Signature J'Ouellette® Experience!
If you could do it alone - you would've done it already.
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» By registering to any of our programs, you agree to our Terms and Conditions
To learn more about the J'Ouellette® Method and to see if I have spots available for your level, contact me here.
You will have unlimited access to 1:1 sessions, group programs, and downloadable self-study programs. The non-expiry status of the sessions and the availability of free sessions are both in accordance with our Terms and Conditions
Why Parisian (standard) French?
Because you will be well understood all over the World, in the trips you want to make, the bilingual job you want to have, the business contacts you want to make. Parisian French lessons also help you read, write and speak faster than you thought possible. Try a free session to see how quickly it can change your game.
Do you think that your pronunciation is terrible because you have no one to correct you?
Do you love French and feel that you've tried almost everything to learn it in the past, but you're still not thinking in French?
Would you love to become fluent, to understand the culture inside out, but you didn't take action because life happened?

If you could do it alone - you would've done it already.
Group Conversation
Club Oh, là-là
Don’t let your rusty (or non-existent) French stop you from enjoying your next trip to Paris! Join the Club and start to have your first conversation in French, regardless of your knowledge level.
JOuellette® BILINGUAL Extensif
Master the French Conversation
at a solid High Intermediate to
Advanced level* of conversation,
and be the person others admire
for being able to speak
more than one language.
VIP Immersion
Voyage à Paris 1:1
Come to Paris with me,
have an incredible immersion
experience, converse with natives, and
immerse yourself in the
French language and culture!
» By registering to any of our programs, you agree to our Terms and Conditions

To learn more about the J'Ouellette® Method and to see if I have spots available for your level, contact me here.
Why Parisian (standard) French?
Because you will be well understood all over the World, in the trips you want to make, the bilingual job you want to have, the business contacts you want to make. Parisian French lessons also help you read, write and speak faster than you thought possible. Try a free session to see how quickly it can change your game.