3 things to never do when you go to Paris in August



paris in august So, are you going to Paris in August?

Maybe you can’t go this year, or maybe you can, but everybody knows that Parisians take their vacation this month.

Then, if we visit, who are we going to speak to, if the city is filled with tourists?

Should we go, stay home, or go somewhere in France instead?

Here are a few tips about how to handle Paris in August.


Let’s start with what the great Charles Aznavour has to say about it:


Step #1: Don’t speak in English

paris in august

That’s right!

People in Paris will speak to you in English if they see that you don’t speak French (well), or they’ll just start in English if they hear you speaking another language.

Because the streets are filled with tourists, and the French do speak English very well, they’ll want to welcome you and help you feel comfortable by speaking you a language known by most tourists.

Ask them politely « Pourriez-vous me parler en français, s’il vous plaît ? »

They will be delighted, and you’ll get a great service.

If they speak too fast, add: « Plus lentement, s’il vous plaît ! Merci beaucoup ! »


Step #2: Don’t stay at regular hotels, choose a boutique hotel instead


Boutique hotels offer you an amazing experience.

They are not necessarily much more expensive than the regular hotels, but they are usually old houses with an architecture that will blow your mind, with paintings and sculptures, with dreamy gardens and a service without equal.

They are also located in corners of the city that are quieter, less known to the tourists, and where you can find more locals to practice your conversation.


Step #3: Don’t visit places that are popular for tourists

paris in august

Avoid at all cost the touristy spots at all cost.

Unless you haven’t visited Le Louvre or Le Versailles, you have no reason to go to the places marked as “popular” in the travel brochures.

As a francophile who wants to become a francophone, you want to go to places where locals are gathering, and they will avoid all the popular places, especially because they don’t work in August, so they have no reason to go there.

In my 1:1 French immersion retreat, I only go to see the secret and hidden beauties of the city, the less known monuments, memorial houses, restaurants and parks.

To be able to go on an immersive trip, you should be prepared and well informed, speak enough to get around, to be able to read the menu, the street name and understand what the taxi driver tells you.

Whether you learn conversation with me or not, find someone who can get you there in a few months, so that you can have fun instead of being stressed out that you won’t understand or be understood.

If you want to know what I do in the J’Ouellette® Extensif, the program people are raving about, contact me so I can tell you all about the August Special.

If not now, then when? 🙂


Charles Aznavour – Paris au mois d’août

Balayé par septembre
Notre amour d’un été
Tristement se démembre
Et se meurt au passé.
J’avais beau m’y attendre,
Mon coeur, vide de tout,
Ressemble à s’y méprendre
A Paris au mois d’août

De larmes et de rire
Était fait notre amour
Qui, redoutant le pire,
Vivait au jour le jour.
Chaque rue, chaque pierre
Semblaient n’être qu’à nous
Nous étions seuls sur Terre
A Paris, au mois d’août

Pour te dire je t’aime
Aussi loin que tu sois
Une part de moi-même
Reste accrochée à toi,
Et l’autre solitaire
Recherche de partout
L’aveuglante lumière
De Paris au mois d’août

Dieu fasse que mon rêve
De retrouver un peu
Du mois d’août sur tes lèvres
De Paris dans tes yeux
Prenne forme et relance
Notre amour un peu fou
Pour que tout recommence,
A Paris au mois d’août


What is the date you could write in your calendar, when you want to absolutely become fully conversational in French? 🙂


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: parisinsidersguide.com, havenin.com, parisperfect.com, frenchasyoulikeit.com

3 things to never do when you go to Paris in August
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2 thoughts on “3 things to never do when you go to Paris in August

  • August 9, 2023 at 12:12 am

    During three extended trips to France I got by with halting French & where possible fluent English. The magic words were nous sommes Australiens. I did a course with Alliance Francaise which helped a bit. I had a constant problem with the speed of French speech.

    • August 10, 2023 at 4:43 pm

      Thank you for stopping by, John, and for sharing your experience! 🙂
      Regarding the speed of speech of the natives, even if you try to slow them down it wouldn’t work too well. Imagine having to slow down your English for someone who doesn’t understand. It’s difficult, because speech pace is as organic as our breathing or the way we walk.
      Our Pronunciation Cure approach enables my clients, who aspire to express themselves in French rather than simply getting by, to engage comfortably with locals and colleagues.


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