This is what a glass of champagne can do for your French



coin francophone 300 So, have you ever tried to write a story in French?

Even more so, about wine? 🙂

Are you mortified when you have to speak or write in French, thinking “what if I’ll make a fool of myself”?

I must confess, my clients’ grace, courage and hard work amaze me.

Ina writes for us in French, and she is surprising me every time!

Read the article below about the French wines, written by Ina in French, and see what a glass of champagne can do for your French.

This is simply homework, which Ina turns into a work of art 🙂

You’ll only miss her warm voice, that makes everything sound beautiful.





I started studying French with Llyane at a pretty basic level, not being able to make real progress.

After completing 90 lessons with Llyane (one of my favorite times of the week!), I feel more confident in French — my reading and writing improved quite a bit, my understanding of grammar and my ability to build sentences have increased, and my vocabulary has been expanding.

Even those challenging conjugations started to come to me a little bit easier (I wish all the time!).

Llyane’s immense support, coaching and guidance made a difference!

Every lesson I learn something new about the language, the culture, and even about myself as I reflect on how I learn and the mistakes I make. I am on a path to achieve my goals while having so much fun.

Thank you Llyane!



glass of champagne

Ma leçon dernière avec Llyane sur la région de la Champagne m’a fait penser à mes voyages en France et des visites des vignobles.

J’ai récemment conduit la route des Grands Crus en Bourgogne, un itinéraire exceptionnel pour découvrir les terroirs fameux, les gens qui les labourent, et les meilleurs vins du monde.

Qui ne reconnaîtrait pas les nommes comme la Côte de Nuits, Nuit-Saint-George, Mercurey, Chambertin, ou Meursault ? Quelle joie d’explorer tous and goûter un peu (bien sûr !) ces vins exquis ! C’est ce que j’appelle la gâterie.

Je me suis arrêtée au bureau d’accueil touristique pour bavarder un peu 😀 et poser des questions sur la région. J’étais toujours intriguée par le mot « le terroir ».


Mais qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ?

En parlant avec les gens du pays, j’ai apprécié la signification et l’importance de ce mot qui ne représente que la géographie, le climat, le sol, ou l’exposition solaire de la région. C’est aussi une idée d’identité du pay, de la connaissance des gens qui y habitent, leurs traditions et authenticité.

J’ai compris que ce mot porte un sens profond de la culture et de la gastronomie du pays, quelque chose qui doit être préservé, apprécié et cultivé au fil des générations.

Et ces gens du pays et le savoir-faire – c’est ce que nous attire tant pour visiter la France !


Tell us in the comments below, what are YOUR stories about the French Champagne? 🙂


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




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This is what a glass of champagne can do for your French
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