Do you want to progress in one hour, more than you ever thought possible and, better yet, stop depending on teachers to correct you, so you can become confident and self sufficient in your French conversation? Experience a quantum leap
GET YOUR QUICK AND EASY CRASH COURSE FOR CONFIDENT CONVERSATION NOW » Get acquainted with the innovative J’Ouellette® Method for jet-setting professionals Type your best email address in the form below, and click the button for instant access! *
(Parisian French Conversation starter) Do you want to have conversations in French even if you are a beginner and amaze your friends with your confidence? Do you want to ditch conversation anxiety and feel confident finding your words with native
FRANÇAIS AVANCÉ – ENTER THE IVY LEAGUE You are a real Pro, and you have the mojo to make it happen for yourself! FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CIVILIZATION COURSE (Available to existing clients only) Although in this advanced program
VERB CONJUGATION – THIS IS WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Verb tenses that you will master in conversation Level 1 Présent, Présent actuel, Passé composé, Passé récent, Imparfait, Futur simple, Futur proche, Subjonctif, La voix active et réflexive, Impératif, Négatif Leçon 03
« Français Sunday » Free Webinar (Start to speak French in 2 days) Type your best email address in the form below, and click the “Sign me up” button! * By clicking the “SIGN ME UP” button, you confirm that
Type your best email address in the form below, and click the “Register” button! Bonne chance ! 🙂 * By clicking the “REGISTER” button, you confirm that you agree to receive our newsletter “Gazette J’Ouellette”. Hey, hey! Welcome to
Please check the Booking and Cancellation Policy pertaining to the program that you are interested in. Booking Policy Please pre-pay for the appropriate number of hours at least one day in advance, in order to book your classes. Once registered,