How to Improve Your French Online



improve your french online So, did you give up on the idea of going to Paris, to have that delicious, multi sensorial experience that you can bring home and enjoy its ripple effect on your life thereafter?

I don’t blame you if you did, but I challenge you to go back on that thought and consider the possibilities.

Now, when the Planet hit the pause button, is the best time to improve your French online.


Because the entire Planet is online – so you may as well hop on.

But don’t do it with a half heart and hoping this will end soon, because I have a news flash for you: online is here to stay and more so than ever.

Why now is the best time to learn French

Travel is a sweet memory and a far fetched dream these days.

If you are like me, you travel in your mind more often than you open your fridge, wishing that maybe things are not that bad after all and refusing to listen to news that would disagree.

When will we get that feeling of rush when packing our suitcase again?

You know, that suitcase that smells like the previous trip, the suitcase filled with tickets from the airport, métro, taxi receipts and city maps.

I used to make my luggage the night before leaving in my trips. Now I know that the first one after this shut down I’ll pack for a week. Just to compensate for all the trips I made in my mind these past weeks.

So, if travel is a far away dream, what is there to do?

Read the article below, to find out why now is the time you should improve your French online, and watch the video, for a sneak peak into the possibilities.

I’ve been thinking to do something for you that could come close to what you’re dreaming of and needing these days.

I went through a few phases.

I created the DIY French Club, where you can learn my J’Ouellette® Method and become master at learning French on your own, so that you don’t have to rely on other tutors and teachers again.

Then, I created the The J’Ouellette® French Conversation Cure program, where I share my number one technique that helps you to become your own best coach and correct yourself during real conversations, while showing up as the authority in what you say and how you say it.

Everything was pointing me to the idea of:

How to survive this time apart… together?

And today I received the answer.

I was featured on the HiP Paris blog by Lily Heise – a well known Paris-based writer, and I understood what I have to do.

Let me explain.

HiP Paris
was a favorite of mine for almost 10 years.

I admired them, I shared their Facebook articles and promotions, because they are delicious, fun and very chic.

Here’s HiP Paris’ mission, in their own words:

“Don’t get us wrong—we love the Eiffel Tower as much as anyone. But there’s so much more to Paris than its iconic monuments and well-known sites. To us, the best way to experience this city is to dig a little deeper, hunt a little harder and linger a little longer to uncover the secrets that make Paris so utterly irresistible. From film festivals and art exhibits to street style, hot new restaurants and interviews with foodies, artists and innovators, we are constantly taking the pulse of Parisian life… and sharing our discoveries with you!”

Could there be a better partnership?

This is exactly what I do in my French immersion retreats 1:1 in Paris. We go on the unbeaten path of the city. Participating in all the most attractive activities, chosen by you, we are enjoying life in French, surrounded by and immersed in France.

improve your French online

Je T’Aime, Me Neither
is the platform where Lily Heise, a Paris-based writer, is sharing with us her views on life from her corner of the world.

She featured me along with a few amazing colleagues of mine, and I’m deeply honored to be part of such a fine crowd. Here’s her review:

One of the most difficult things about learning a new language is perfecting pronunciation, and this is particularly challenging when it comes to French. As a trained actor and language instructor, obtaining a good French accent is a focal point for Llyane Stanfield’s online classes, in addition to conversation fluidity. She offers private classes by Skype, which you can preview in her free French Crash Course for Easy Conversation guide, downloadable on her website.

Today, hundreds of people read her article on “HiP Paris” blog and visited us, downloaded the crash course, got acquainted with the J’Ouellette® Method.

What I’m excited about is that this winning combo inspired me to create a virtual immersion retreat in Paris, and you can experience it too!

Imagine learning the French language from zero to advanced, becoming a conversation master, doing the activities you’d do if you went to Paris, and having a piquenique coming directly from France to your door.


Imagine having a French café and almond croissant, or a filet mignon with your favorite red wine, while chatting in French with me on Skype or Zoom.

How cool would that be?

OK, maybe not that over the top, but something more like this:

douce france

…WITH Champagne 😉

Let me know in the comments below, if this experience would appeal to you.

In the meantime, this month we offer you a virtual immersive experience.

We used to go to Paris in April, and our “An American in Paris” immersion retreat was very successful.

The big idea

Because we can’t go this year, we offer an experience online, and you will receive as a bonus the J’Ouellette Éclair immersion until April 30th.

Maybe we’ll have the piquenique too, who knows? 😉

Check it out here, and let us know what you think.



An invitation from Lily Heise

Those who are missing Paris can travel there virtually via the new participatory short story series “There’s Only One Paris”.

Every week writer Lily Heise of Je T’Aime, Me Neither creates a fictive short story set in different places in Paris which have been suggested by her readers!

Learn more about the project at this link and follow her Facebook Page to get involved yourself.


Tell us in the comments below, what would YOU like to do, visit, experience in a virtual immersion retreat to Paris?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.


Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit:,,

How to improve your French online

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